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The Gardens of Aeoliah

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Chapter 14

*** The atoll of Nasachto and Inelounia ***

* Music: Bearns and Dexter, The Golden Voyage Vol 3 «Look after Tomorrow for me»


Some times after the famous feast of the soul Gardeners, where it was so nicely decided to involve into the rescue of Aurora, Anthelm and his friends, Elnadjine, Liouna, Algenio, and of course Nellio, were all together gathered, soon in the evening, just before the meal, as they used to do.

In this epoch they had installed their houses at the foot of a rock, a little bit higher than their former bush with mauve moss. Algenio and Liouna's house was made from a beautiful yellow clay covered with waxed leaves, to avoid the rain to dissolve the clay. These leaves, gathered and stuck fresh on the still wet clay, had the property to keep, once dried up, the shape they were given, without forming creases, as if they were painted on the clay. So this house was a very discreet brown-green ball, or rather a pear, since a smaller room was added to the main one, where Algenio the gardener was keeping his seeds. The clay, easy to shape, allowed them to set various cupboards in their house. Anthelm and Elnadjine remained faithful to their long marrow colour of apricot and sun, of which they kept the seeds each time they made a new one grow. Anthelm still had his little study room, his stand and his scrolls. He now used to fetch them himself from Irizdar, when he did not simply devoured them on the spot, alone in some mossy recess of the immense caves.

There was a third house, made by a couple of very kind yellow and green birds, who became friend with Algenio. They also made it with clay, with the same leaves stuck on it, also pear shaped, the big tip against the rock, and the small tip with the opening to get in. The one of Algenio had all its length against the rock, the small tip with a separate opening, so that whoever came for the seeds could access them without requesting for entering. The three houses were forming an half-circle against the rock, surrounding a very intimate yard, flowered in mauve, and so much foamy that they completely disappeared when laying in it.

The two birds were like robins, in silhouette and character. There often are some on Aeoliah, but never many in the same place. Unlike our terrestrial robins, their colours are quite variable, and the Eolis call them izdars. These two were green and yellow. Nobody knew them, they had appeared one day in the village, and, without asking, they settled near Algenio's house, who conceived a nice friendship for them. As you know, the robins are very sweet birds with very pretty songs. These two were often among the harbingers of the rising sun. They live in pairs, somewhat hermits; they are sentimental and faithful in friendship. Even on Earth, it is quite easy to make joyful and constant companions of them, as long as you avoid disturbing them, and you give them food in the winter. They also like that we talk to them.

Anthelme Elnadjine, Algenio, Liouna and Nellio were commenting on the various preparations for the souls first aid. Adenankar and his Irizdar friends told some bits about their projects. Instead of intervening at chance, they would now follow more Earthlings, ten or twenty, perhaps more if other soul rescuers came, and really become their personal guardian angels. Sure that Aurora would be the first on the list, but for now they still knew nothing of her. In the meanwhile, research would be initiated on Earth, to know who they could help at best. Adenankar was jubilant!

But such an activity should not depend on the support of only one village. This made that many of the soul first aid workers and assistants were moving for several neighbouring villages. It would be one of these upheavals which takes the Eolis, at times. Oh it would probably take years, the time to find friendships, build houses, etc. Meanwhile, they were beginning to wander, to exchange, to sow pumpkins, to work with each other. It is common for the Eolis to move, change of village, and even from continent, according to a friendship, a landscape, an aspiration, sometimes by entire tribes...

A great flower-hat almost landed on Liouna.

They rose up their nose, to see Antonnafachto laughing on the top of the cliff, just above them. Who do you imagine could throw a hat?

«Big Nafachto, thee!

- This is how thou distributest thee hats»?

Antonnafachto exclaimed: «Hey, thou Asked me for a new hat, Didst not thee? Here is a well round one, purple as thou likest it.

- On the head, not on the nose!

- Well of course, on the head, that's where I was aiming, but it's awfully hard to launch a flower-hat: you never know where it will go! But I train, thou seest.»

Mielora, the companion of Antonnafachto, appeared in turn on the top of the rock, to laugh also. Liouna, who in astral appeared as a fearless and decided captain, was still in flesh a young shy Eoline. And the young Eolis remain childish and playful long after their bodies are adult. Some, like Antonnafachto, remain childish forever. Sacred Antonnafachto! He was a hat worker, the one who cultivated the flower-hats, put them to dry, while his companion Mielora formed and sewed them. They provided common models, or special ones on request, and once they had a good pile, they went distributing them to their future owners of the village and its surroundings, with their hellos and their nice jokes with. Plof! Another peach coloured hat, disproportionate, for Elnadjine, who narrowly dodged it.

«It is that she gives us double work, this one, with all her hair.



This time it was too much. Anthelme and Elnadjine flew to the prankster, who bombarded them with the hats he had left. Once at the top, they caught him, and it was soon a joyous melee. What kids, these Eolis.

And when the battle is over, what do they do? They stay all over each other, enjoying some anonymous hugs, a little beyond the usual registry of tenderness, or on the lookout for an excuse to start again. This evening it was well on track, and it could continue longer, save for a soft melodious singing of Eoline's voices coming from above the village, to call for the meal.

With the Eolis, melody always supersedes laughing. And the Eolis, always free like the wind, have a perfect mastery of themselves, and they are able to switch instantly (or nearby...) from the merriest hullabaloo to the suavest Poetry. So they became concentrated (except Mielora who screamed, as she had felt an anonymous cuddle neatly beyond the usual register of tenderness. She turned round just to see that the author was nobody else than her companion Antonnafachto, that she stabbed with her priceless look of merry reproach)

The meal song lasts for a moment, to let time for everybody to tidy tools, wash hands and so on. It is a time of contemplation, where the gentleness of evening comes again: the sun had lowered its blazes, and it was now in a sea of gold on the Evening Mountain; the balmy air had fragrances of aromatic plants and smells of warm earth; the birds were now silent, or they chirped softly, tenderly; the crickets tuned their instruments before the great concert of dusk; the sweet weariness of the day activities made limbs deliciously numb in the happiness of accomplished work.

The Eolis, Anthelm, Elnadjine, Liouna, Algenio, Nellio, Antonnafachto and Mielora took each other by the hands, of top of the rock, and followed in turn the song, which was thus retransmitted from step to step up to the farthest fields, well beyond voice reach from the meal place. They were joined by their neighbours Nasachto and Inelounia, a couple of Eolis among the oldest in the village, that everybody loved much, as they were extremely gentle, discreet and very kind. They were shining forth with Wisdom, a luminous Love, a mauve perfume and especially a great spiritual purity... The blonde Inelounia was dressed all in pink, and Nasachto with peach orange. They were living in a pumpkin on the very edge of the rock, thus enjoying an unrestricted view on the love plays of the new eolis, but they had the tact never to see them. Antonnafachto also went for them, but without pranks as they always vibrated in the purest Poetry.

When the song broke, we had a few minutes to fly to the place of the meal. It was accurate because the meal recollection should not be disturbed by incessant arrivals. But the long song allowed everybody to be ready in time. Well done, right?

The new Eolis, Anthelme, Elnadjine, Liouna, Algenio, Nellio with Antonnafachto and Mielora and their nice neighbors Nasachto and Inelounia, flew to the meal. You must get accustomed, dear reader, to always see plenty of Eolis together, with these enumerations of names which stretch endlessly.

Later that night, Anthelme and Elnadjine found themselves alongside Nasachto and Inelounia. They had never talk to them, because in their presence Life and Happiness flowed from their luminous evidence. Everything was full, complete, and any comment superfluous. Nasachto and Inelounia had almost become angels. Because we become angels, in the end, when our human evolution is complete and that we enjoyed all its fruits in their fullness.

Those who say «if we play the angel we do the beast» are very wrong, because we precisely are on Earth to become angels. But it is true it is not enough to say we are one to be one, quite on the contrary, hi hi hi! Nasachto and Inelounia were really far from those stories. Being angels... They were almost there, but not in a hurry to go through the little remaining way. They had to thoroughly, lengthily enjoy their life on Aeoliah, and the thousands of years they still had ahead were not too much for that.

That night, as their used to do, they were contemplating the red dot on top of the Evening mountain at night. They seemed to know the meaning of any of its fluctuations. Why did they began to talk with the new Eolis? Were they trying to relive their distant beginnings on Aeoliah, when they were young Eolis still amazed with their bliss? Were they starting to hope for something even better, even without knowing where to look yet? Or simply they offered as a gift to the new Eolis some of the clear and fragrant light of their souls?

Antonnafachto and Mielora were also nearby, full of ears. The suave and languorous voice of Inelounia was truly a delight. They had to enjoy it before she left for...

What was Inelounia recounting, with occasional comments from Nasachto? She was speaking of wonderful flowers which grow in other parts of Aeoliah; she spoke of friends who had made extraordinary journeys in the idyllic islands of the tropical Aeoliah, she spoke of the infinite ocean as smooth as a mirror, to the point that it reflects the stars at night; she told her happiness to live on such a beautiful planet, and her gratitude to the Universal Source of Life to be allowed to exist and to love... She stopped a little, exchanging a glance of tenderness with her companion Nasachto... She was strikingly beautiful, with the pink and blue of the light-flowers playing in her hair, blonde as new gold in the sunlight. She told their love, merry and whimsical, which began fifteen thousand years ago, and then became gradually tender and moving. The exchanges of cuddles became gradually cuddles to the heart and to the soul: they had developed telepathy, and now they loved each other directly from soul to soul. The moving, wonderful Inelounia's voice went silent. How to describe the indescribable, how to name the ineffable, how to feel the sublime? One day, impulsive young Eolis, you will know, you will get access to unsuspected depths. Nasachto yet commented: «The Eolis of the mountain no longer need to talk: they communiate directly from soul to soul, their thoughts dash from mind to mind, and their feelings spread directly from heart to heart. For them, words are really bland, slow, limited. They do not prohibit themselves to use them, but they have so much better! Even their gestures of tenderness are now just a pretext, because they can visualize directly pleasure and joy in the body and the heart of one another. What a prodigious Mystery!»

Now Nasachto also kept silent. There was a long silence where all of them meditated these revelations. Then Anthelm, from his insatiable curiosity, asked to know where to find these famous islands.

But Nasachto and Inelounia never went to the islands; they just heard some words from their friends, some time ago. But these few words awakened their desire...

You are starting to know the Eolis now, friend reader. This discussion was a trigger, a focal point for the energies. The day after, it was decided: Inelounia and Nasachto would go on an idyllic island. This is really the Eolis. They also invited Anthelm and Elnadjine, and of course Nellio. The cautions with Nellio were somewhat less stringent, but he was still unable to stay away of his transmuter more than some days. How to do? Milareva appeared the afternoon to tell them she would accompany them, for Nellio. Great! But she was busy with the soul first aid, how could she attend? Oh, but this was really useless to worry about such matters with Milareva. She can never miss a rendez-vous, her. But shhhht...

Only a few ingredients were missing, for their madness to foam. How to find an island of half a kilometre, of which they totally ignored its situation, on a planet actually fifty five thousand kilometres around with over one million islands of all kinds? How to cross thousands of kilometres of ocean without a single stone to rest? Details than that. Everything would work out. They met three times in a circle on the tip of their rock, to gather and express the hope to go there. And after, they returned relaxed to care for their apples. The idea lived, its concrete manifestation would come inevitably and without delay.


And it was not awaited. Three days later, a group of white or coloured geese appeared in the sky of the village. They remained some time in the area, probably to rest, unless they were seeking companions, because there were youngs among them. The meeting probably took place somewhere in the vertiginous peaks of pink sandstone lining the plateau to the east: one morning they saw a nuptial flight rising here, in large spirals which eventually disappeared in the immaculate blue sky of Aeoliah. For some days one saw them passing to and fro in the surroundings, by two or by four. But neither them nor the Eolis were in a hurry. Them, they were marrying. They, in turn, had to prepare fruit pastes, necessary sugar reserves to survive during the long oceanic steps. On special aromatic leaves, a kind of mint, you pour a proper fruit juice, and let it dry in the sun. You pour again several times. In the end, you get a kind of highly concentrated fruit paste, all in crunchy sugar crystals, strongly fragrant, and you fold the leaves around not to stick everywhere. Yum!

The geese finally came together one morning in a meadow near the village, near the place where the young Eolis discovered love. Quietly, Inelounia went to see them, and half an hour later everyone was ready. They were twelve adults and four youths, and it would be their honeymoon. This very number enticed Algenio and Liouna to join their friends: the geese could easily wear them and take turns. In no time, everyone settled blankets on the backs of the geese, some travel tools, fruit pastes and the precious water gourds.

Therefore eight Eolis left, in the merry songs of all their friends from the village, doing big goodbye. The two green and yellow izdars also came! What an odyssey!

Each pair of Eolis was on a goose, lying on his back, and firmly clutching the robust dorsal feathers which grow on purpose for this. Once the farewell songs of their village were inaudible, they began to intensely admire the beautiful landscape which gradually unfolded below them, as they took height. Both izdars rowed bravely alongside them.

For the last time they saw tiny orange dots: their village, or another neighbouring one. At this height they already no more hear the birds or anything else: a majestic and immensely soft silence reigned in the immensity of the sky. Geese were still climbing in large circles, as they used to do, and the view was becoming immense. Below, the plateau of their friends undulated in imperceptible hills, spotted with forests and clearer meadows, all full of light, warmth and sunshine. Eastward, the pink sandstone peaks with so charming silhouettes had already lost their imposing appearance: beyond were lying rows of green round hills, bright as stained glass windows, sloping down to a vast plain disappearing away in a blue-green infinity. In the South also, thousands of hills were piling up, beyond a beautiful lake. Immensely distant, an imposing barrier of purple mountains was jagged with crazy peaks. In the North, it was the familiar landscape of the path of Irizdar, but, as if crushed by such a high viewpoint, it had lost all its majesty: the yellow cliff became a simple threshold, with its white plume of the waterfall, totally motionless seen from so high. Beyond the green plateau, Irizdar seemed almost flat; its pink cliff was surpassed by other more distant, strange contrast of green and red verging on purple with the distance. The mouths of the caves were clearly visible, and even the gold star of the entrance. Beyond, brown or purple mountains were stretching out of sight, and still further eternal snows seemed to float in the sky. The great valley bellow Irizdar joined the plain of green mist to the east, after crossing a very long lake of pale emerald. Finally in the West, where they were heading now, the Mountain of the Evening barred the horizon, huge tangle of green mounds, overcome with large purple and brown escarpments intertwined with multicoloured veins, finally overhung by the summit cone where stood the lantern of the night.

Would they pass over it? No, because the geese instinctively avoided this sacred place. But they never had seen it so closely. They were already well above, moving fast toward the southwest. They saw nothing but clear rocks and huge scree slopes, between high altitude meadows, and a small flat or crater at the very top, with nothing remarkable. Let us remember that it was an imposing volcanic massif, extinct for long. This cone was the ultimate building. The apex of this natural pyramid was the designated place for the meeting between the vital forces of the core of the planet, and the spiritual forces of the infinite space...

Finally they passed the south edges of the mountain, and this time an entirely new landscape was offered to them. It was huge, vertiginous mountains, strangely chiselled peaks, interspersed with deep valleys embedded in all shades of green, with here and there, plateaus, hills, where they guessed, had to live, sing and move myriads of Eolis totally unknown to them, millions of friends that they would never know... Poignant nostalgia of the infinitely vast universe, that we can never fully visit...

They were still climbing, and with the air freshening, they had to wrap themselves in their blankets. Now they were much higher than the most vertiginous mountains, and the air itself became scarce: not a problem for the Eolis, accustomed since countless times, but at the cost of a kind of drowsiness. They were lying on their stomachs, captivated by the wonders which were unfolding under them... It was a breathtaking beauty, and the Eolis were thanking life to live on such a beautiful planet. They stayed until evening, without a word, in the pristine silence of the high altitudes, so conducive to meditation.

Why do the geese fly so high? Simply because at these altitudes, vast and fast air currents are running around Aeoliah, kinds of jet streams varying depending on the day and height, which push and help greatly. Without them, the geese could never cross the vast Aeolian oceans in a single step. Thus, changing at need of wind or current, they manage to travel at the speed of a small plane. These geese are adapted to these performances since an eternity, in the thin and freezing air, as are some of their counterparts on Earth, performing a fantastic crossing of the Himalayas at nine thousand metres above sea level...


All day they flew over ranges and valleys, cliffs and plateaus. From time to time, the mountains allowed for small inland plains, shimmering with flowery greens, or deep lakes of ultramarine, turquoise or green gold. They even saw a pink one. Sometimes the mountains were escalating the sky high enough to whiten their peaks. Once, and only once they distinguished something artificial: On an isolated dome shaped hill, blue with flowers, a spiral of trees was wrapping around, with a small clear spot at the top. Probably something important, to abandon the usual discretion of Aeoliah: a kind of Wisdom School like Irizdar, or some other mysterious Eoli spiritual centre. For a long time also, the plume of an active volcano loomed on the horizon, far to the north, without they could see any details.

The evening found them saturated with vision of wonderful sceneries, richly coloured hills with all the flowers they wore, opalescent jewels of lakes in their caskets. The emotion and happiness were at their height.

With the evening came the time of relief: one of the goose carrying the Eolis slows down and place herself just above a free one. Then one of the two Eoli passengers slips on the lower goose, and the other, with a rope, sends him the luggage, before getting down in his turn. So the geese take turns, even if the Eolis are not a weight for them. It is a delicate manoeuvre, but the Eolis are instinctively accustomed to it. So much that they take profit of it to fly a while besides the goose, and to pee. Each one on a goose, with their rope, they are able at need to swiftly pass a fair quantity of luggage. For this each bag has a ring to slip along the rope. But usually they bring only waterproof covers, fruit pasta, water gourds, the rope for manoeuvring, and a small machete, sure as they are to always find hospitality, wherever they go on Aeoliah.


The falling night promised them some rest after so much wonder; but they did not suspected that at night the sight was even more fantastic. First, the golden arch of the planetary ring began to shine above them, which is already a fantastic vision of its own. But under, it was astounding, while wild light flowers were lighting on, each in turn, spreading through the horizons their sumptuous light marquetries. Imagine the ground like an immense multicoloured stained glass window, a motionless firework, purple, mauve, pink, blue, or, depending on the place, yellow, pink, orange... Forests and rocks appeared like black velvety patches, while lakes with light algae made plain coloured opal, jade or turquoise. Further, a forest allowed some strange green phosphorescence to show through the canopy, from the undergrowth. This light life, all in auras and hues, was of an unutterable beauty, and if in aircraft you flew over a great city by night, you caught only a small bit of it. The splendour of Earth feasts, the most sumptuous illuminations, are nothing besides this living magnificence, loving, quivering, all in veils, constellations, subtle changes of colours. The Eolis were astounded, snuggling together on the back of their geese. What to say? What to do? They were so moved that they even forgot to give thanks for this.

The illumination were mostly in the valleys. Each time they crossed over a ridge, the new valley was first visible as a kind of dawn, before revealing a new splendour, richly detailed brocade or vast coloured harmony. Sometimes the lights were so strange that they wondered what could produce them, as these blinkers (they saw several, of varied hues), a kind of white funnel, and other mysterious shapes. On a place a white algae had colonised the whole network of a river and its tributaries, drawing a silvery web leading to a diamond lake! They were all overwhelmed by a sensual desire of a bath of light into this water of dream...

The night advancing, the ring hide itself little by little in the shadow of the planet, while the light flowers faded the one after the other. But some remained: they soon realized that most high mountains, as soon as they formed some promontory, were often bearing lights of various colours, as on their Evening Mountain, simple stars on the top, or larger fuzzy ovoids hovering just above the summit. Perhaps there was tens of thousands of them all over their planet...

The darkness revealed the splendour of the starry sky. Friend reader, you can believe me, it is really a fabulous sight that these thousands of coloured lights brighter that our evening star, in the dense heart of the Aeoliah galaxy... There is a milky way in the Aeolian sky, but also we distinguish a vast fuzzy halo, circular and featureless: the giant elliptical galaxy, neighbouring the one of Aeoliah, where the ancient quasar sleeps...

The eyes of the eolis, designed from the very start for the cosmic wondering, can integrate the weak light of the distant nebulae during several minutes, as soon as they stay motionless (against half a second for Earthling's eyes) and this allows them to admire much more astronomical scenes than us, despite their thick and moistly atmosphere which absorbs much of the light. So the Eolis can at will, simply with staying relaxed, laying on their back, contemplate the splendours of the starry sky, especially in altitude, and feel its powerful ethereal vibrations, purple, pink, indigo, higher and pure vibrations of the cosmos, moving echo of the light of the Universal Source of Life which so generously spread consciousness and spirit among the innumerable worlds in the infinite...

At last they fell asleep.


The next day, upon awakening, the gold ring was illuminated again, and the purple dawn followed them in an absolute silence. Absolute? No! The two izdars-robins were here, still rowing as tirelessly as the geese. They sang as usual, but their singing was totally pure, devoid of any echo, of any materiality, in this immense silence. It was as if there was no universe around them. The Eolis also sang, aspiring with their full lungs the light and invigorating air, pure and fresh with a subtle indigo scent between incense and violet. They fancied to do somersaults, but would you dare, at twelve thousand meters on the back of a goose?

Gradually, as the day broke, the Eolis discovered a strange sight. Behind them the golds of the east were lighting up, in a bar on the horizon. The sky was gradually changing from black to purple. But the ground remained obstinately dark, with no visible details. There was no more echo, no more soil, nothing: they floated motionless in the infinite universe, only lulled by the gentle and steady wing beats. Bizarre, nonetheless. The sky took its familiar indigo hue it has by day at this altitude, but the ground remained an impenetrable ultramarine without distance, as smooth as intangible as the sky, until the horizon, where it faded in a pale blue haze.

They were above the ocean! A huge ocean of purple velvet, which soon started to reflect the sun. There were two suns, one above and another under, nearby as brilliant. They went from surprise to surprise!

They were flying over the vast ocean which extends between the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth Aeolian continents, the legendary Telerion with infinite vastness, with sometimes so quiet a surface, so smooth that we see the stars reflection... It is also called the Southelerion or Purple Ocean. It is said to be alive, quivering, throbbing with unpredictable currents, populated by huge or amazing creatures, harbouring in its unfathomable abysses the deepest mysteries of Aeoliah. It is sometimes animated with huge networks of lines spiralling around large swirls; swell from the depths draw large welts visible only from high altitude... The Eolis also saw the Ocean Breath: huge clouds of froth suddenly springing from a point on the surface. The mysterious phenomenon spread in concentric waves, with a low rumble like a plane in the distance. It stopped after about one hour, leaving a plume of saline mist climbing into the stratosphere in a huge white mushroom...


Time was passing by in daydream, between the changes of geese and the songs launched or continued by the izdars, and sometimes the geese who started to quack without apparent reason, making a nice fuss. They regularly permuted their positions, in their triangle flight formation. The Eolis seldom moved, and they felt no need for that, accustomed as they were to stay snuggled up the ones against the others for hours, without feeling ankylosis. Do not forget that this air was at minus forty degrees, and this does not make gymnastic a trite thing.

The whole day passed by without any incident, without any solution of continuity in the two blue immensities. They got out the fruit pasta, which fine crystals were deliciously crunching, with a warm sugared fruit perfume strangely blended with mint. The two izdars, who had not so much endurance than the geese, posed themselves once or two on the back of one of them, who noisily quacked her friendship. They replied with gentle chirps.

The second evening still had more surprises to display. As usual, once the fires of the sunset were off, in front of them the ring lighted up in the sky. They were already quite close of the equator, and it was now standing upright on the horizon, in place of the tilted look it had from their village. So that now with its reflection in the ocean, it was forming a complete circle of gold all around them!

But the ocean itself was gleaming with an infinite quantity of plankton, of luminous micro-algae, by shoals of various colours! The Eolis eagerly contemplated the strange curls and spirals, the long undulations and folds, the festoons and blurs, sometimes so large that they extended from one horizon to the other. Curiously, the colours seemed never to mix. Contrarily to the lights of the continents, which evoked a solid material landscape, however transfigured, the sight of the algae seemed of pure colour, like curling rainbows or coloured mists. What a strange feeling that to float above light under a black sky! Again they had this feeling of no longer being moving in their universe. But how their planet was beautiful! They were moved to tears, shivering, no longer feeling hunger or cold.

And it was true: the ocean of Aeoliah is so calm that on certain nights, we can see the stars mirroring in it. So they saw a double starry sky, as if they were in the cosmos, in a spaceship!


The third night saw again the same strange scenery, but far in the north they could contemplate for two hours a pink aurora, with a purple shining spot, right on the horizon, slowly pulsating by intervals of about five minutes. A volcano again. They are really many on Aeoliah, and they go full blast.

The fourth day, they had to give the remaining fruit pasta to the Izdars, who were not accustomed to such long steps. At last they saw several islands, of an astonishing variety: emerald or azure atolls, shadow green sugar-loaf mountains, a great island covered with forest and mountains, pink or brown little volcanoes surrounded with coral reef... At last, the afternoon, the idyllic island was there. The geese suddenly stopped beating their wings, and it was this silence which warned the Eolis out of their daydreaming.

It was really tiny. A purple and granular rock, like a fresh molehill, with around a crescent of flat land which horns were almost touching, covered with forest, surrounded by a golden beach. In the hollow of the crescent, and just around, the sea was an ineffable green, but once we went a little off it turned blue, until it became deep purple. The atoll had to be in a marine current, as it emanated a kind of long, winding trail.

The Eolis exclaimed with joy. The izdars left the back of their goose and began to wander around, singing with their clear voice. The geese were now just gliding gently, in an almost absolute silence, with just the soft hiss of the air in their feathers. They had dropped themselves out of the invisible but fast airflow that they were following, so that now, with the height, everything looked immobile.

So it is with a growing expectation that they saw the island slowly growing larger and larger, as they were descending in a long and exciting silent glide. The air was recovering its usual warmth, its luminous blue, its perfume of sun and life.

The island was really small. The rock was no more than two hundred metres in diameter, and the whole island hardly five hundred. The rock was the emerged part of a peak of thick and blistered purplish lava, one of there short-lived volcanoes which swarm in certain regions of the aeolian seas. As soon as it cooled, it found itself surrounded by the coral reef. Little by little, it would sink into the ocean, as the bottom was approaching the continent, towards the deeps which surround them. Before that, it could be a dwelling for many generations of a little community of Eolis, but we are not yet there.

When they were low enough to hear the first birds songs, the geese started to beat their wings again, while trumpeting, making a large circle around the island, at the height of the rock. The songs of the islands were marvellous; they never heard such before. Do not try to find any connection with what we know on Earth. These birds, in place of quick successions of notes, were launching long appeals, with glissandos and tremolos in the highest pitches, or in the more moving mediums. We could also find familiar budgies, birds who bring their joy everywhere on Aeoliah, and, from time to time, the profound and melodious calls of toucans. Lower, they could hear brief and indefinitely repeated calls and replies of couples of mandarins, which mean: «Thou lovest me? -Yes I love thee.» The izdars who accompanied the Eolis could not wait anymore, and they escaped to join their fellows.

Finally the geese landed on one of the beautiful beaches, the most sheltered in the lagoon, within the crescent. All the Eolis of the idyllic island were gathered here, waiting for them. This beach was only twenty meters long and wide, but it was enough for all the small people of this place. And a marvellous spectacle awaited the arrivals there!

The lagoon was very small, and even reduced to a simple curved channel, between two rows of tall trees, which limited the view on all sides. A golden beach bordered it, and the warm water, absolutely smooth, turned to a miraculous green as the depth increased. Fish and other forms unknown on Earth were moving about, silver flashes of purple spindles. «Mom what are all these bildolios there in the water!» Exclaimed Algenio. The trees were very high: they were not palms, but leafed trees, forming walls of greenery bearing myriads of flowers, multicoloured pendants lianas, and countless soft chirping, screeching, hissing of the most varied singing small birds or insects. The trunks of most of the trees divided in roots at about three meters above the ground, before plunging in a wide fan of roots, forming, at the scale of the small Eolis, strange cathedrals of hanging moss, with a sand ground. The beach itself was dotted with fairy-pearl shells, pastel or brightly coloured, testes and other remains of strange sea creatures. Some of these gems were big enough to house an Eoli.

But our friend Eolis were not seeing all these wonders, for an even more beautiful show took their breath: the Eolis of the idyllic island, three hundred, warned by the cries of the geese, all gathered there, waiting for them, in a large circle open on their side, along with parakeets and other birds, mingled with them on the sand.


They were so beautiful!


But beautiful!


Be the Universal Source of Life praised for so many wonders!


Be the creative geniuses of Aeoliah, forever unknown, thanked, praised, what do I know!


Their height and silhouette were not different of the ones we already know, but their skin was... Imagine marble, pearl, white with a hue of the suavest mauve, subtle enough so that they look at times pinkish, at times bluish. Figures of a Christmas manger, sugar people. Their hairs were pink, white, mauve, blue, purple, jet black. Their lips and the nipples of the Eolines were also of moving pink or mauve, just darker than their skin. How lucky they were, to be so beautiful!


Our friends were just forgetting they were also very beautiful too!


They wore no fabric, but kind of skirts, or pareos as they name them on atolls of the Earth, not from straw but from fine bird fluff, marvellously fuzzy, sorted with their skins and hairs. (Be sure that never any Eolis would only dare to think to take the feathers of a living bird, definitively not. They just gather them at time of moulting, when they come by themselves). These pareos made around their waists and thighs a kind of velvety and suave aura, contrasting with their fine and rangy silhouettes. They were also wearing hats made of blue or pink petals, smaller than the ones of our friends, or sometimes kinds of crowns made of fluff or small lively coloured feathers. The Eoli insignia was drawn right on their skin, perhaps with a kind of henna with varied colours. Most of them were also wearing graceful rings around their arms and ankles, or pendants of white pearl, iridescent or translucent, sometimes unlikely clusters of large pastel pearls.

Of course, there were many half-breeds and quarter breeds. As you know, with the Eolis too, love ignores the races, or rather it adores them. This does not avoid them to remain, as they reappear after some generations of mixing. One Eoline seemed of old shiny copper, with a long fall of dark purple frizzy hair. Others were pink like the newcomers, or with a strange and deeply moving hue of purple with black or violet hairs, sometimes reduced to a fine fuzz on their heads. Two Eolis were wearing long and dancing fire hairs: one had a peach coloured skin, strange harmony, and the other was sky coloured, astonishing contrast. Some couples were also sky blue, with purplish, ultramarine or black hairs. At last one was brown like our Africans, with Bob Marley hairs, and adorned with many necklaces of small red-orange petals. Happily there are no racists on Aeoliah, as they would be really unhappy to see so many nice differences kindly holding each other by their hands or their waists.

If the description is lengthy, the scene did not stopped a second to happen. The hosts broke into a very gentle welcoming song, with moving glissandos and a suave melody. They were looking at the newcomers, undulating their hips and smiling, a spark of light into their eyes. Still others were arriving from under the trees with flutes, to accompany them with dream...

The friendship exchanges were very long: to offer embrace to everybody, and not superficially! Sometimes with varied kisses, the whole repeated three hundred times... But always with a renewed joy. They were smelling each other, with amused laughs, as, remember, the Eolis are perfumed, and the scents differ widely depending on the races. If our pink friends were wearing warm and fruity fragrances, the mauve had flowery and light ones, very spiritual; the red had a strange and powerful spice, and the «African» was somewhat like church incense, but with the warmth of cinnamon.

The pure and white Milareva was deeply admired, and Nellio was far more kissed than the others. Their hosts were instinctively feeling the spiritual elevation of the first, and the heart wound of the second; they never encountered this before, but yet they immediately felt the right conduct with him: Nellio was particularly cherished all the time they stayed, especially by the Eolines.

Gradually the atmosphere became exuberant; they had so much to ask, to show, to explain. To laugh too, pushing surprised exclamations, slip into the shells, stroking the fuzz and hair, exchanging hats with a light and childish gesture, and most of all quickly remove these great dresses and do big splashes in this wonderfully warm lagoon, where fishes were tickling you. What a delicious water! What a joy to let oneself to be borne by it! What transparency, what strange moving flowers at the bottom! What fast scooting away when a nice little octopus was kissing you...

The geese, who landed a little further, watched placidly at all this fuss, occasionally exchanging winks which seemed to say, «They are crazy these Eolis. Happily, we are here as guardians of Dignity.» But do not worry they said this for fun, because they are infinitely gentle like all the geese and all the birds of Aeoliah, and sincerely happy to see the Eolis also happy. Still avoid to make them laugh for real, because it makes a lot of noise.

They had to unload the geese, who scattered in the vicinity.

Finally, after so many bathing, everybody flew off for a tour of the island. The outer beaches of the atoll were more agitated, with a long smooth swell which came frizzing on the yellow sand. Past the few coral reefs, the bottom dipped straight down to over a thousand meters, as often around the atolls. So, swimming on this side requested some caution, but it was worth the look, as the underwater life unfolded the wonders we imagine...


The salt drying, the Eolis found themselves a bit sticky: washing was required. So everyone went out over the huge trees, to the big rock. Up close, it had remained as when it sprang from the ocean floor: a large heap of bubbling stone, purplish, as these overcooked tiles sometimes found on our old roofs. But rainwater, stagnant in the hollows, eventually dissolved it, and had dug kinds of pots, like the ones you see on some dolmens of Brittany. The Eolis had taken good care of removing the water and sand, to accelerate and direct this, and increase the water storage capacity. The rock itself was already strewn with degassing vents, small galleries and hollows, a sponge soaked with pure fresh rain water.

This water went out again at the foot of the rock, in a place with a pure and powerful vibration. Imagine the undergrowth as a greenery cave, with the ground covered with moss. From the highest foliages a green dim light was falling, as from a stained glass. The air was fresh, delightfully wet and invigorating. The melodious songs of all kind of birds lulled the silence and quietness. At the very foot of the rock, in the purplish stone, opened a kind of cave, just a recess. From the walls and ceiling drops were falling in a kind of basin, infinitely limpid, extremely pure, all in clear sand where grew only kinds of water lilies, with white flowers larger than an Eoli, and algae forming long green filaments. Some animals wearing mauve jagged snail shells were living here. It was very small, hardly three metres, but for the Eolis it was as it was forty metres.

It was really the perfect place to rinse off, euphoric and energizing contrast after the heat of the sun.

Yet you do not splash, you come in this beautiful water with attention and devotion: In such places the wonder, thin and delicate, request your respectful silence to be noticeable... Hardly did we set foot in its exquisite freshness, that a delicious chill raises down the back, neck, and fills the whole being of a sensual love for life: we are happy to exist, and we want to share this true happiness!


The remainder of the afternoon was spent in a marvelled tour of the island. Its inhabitants had scattered, leaving with our friends a smaller reception committee. Inelounia recognized the fabulous flowers she heard of, some three times larger than a Eoli. They were of a stunning beauty, with a pastel rainbow on their petals! The undergrowth was very dense, but pierced with many flight corridors, carefully maintained by the birds. Many passages were ascending toward the sky, while close to the ground, under the branching roots, many green caves also formed a labyrinth of sand and fresh alleys, dotted with foam covered seashells. Curiously, the view was clear enough, limited only by small dunes without grass, or by tangles of dead branches covered with exuberant mushrooms. But much of the life was unfolding above, in the canopy where the highest vines formed countless flower arbours and swaying hammocks for nests. But about eoline houses, nothing. Intrigued, Nellio asked, but he got a chuckle in response. This was the surprise!


Evening came with the meal. They do not sing the meal here: the birds do it themselves. They suddenly changed their songs, when the sun was about to hit the waves. All the Eolis and a lot of birds gathered, sitting on the only open place of the island (save the beaches). It was at the foot of the rock, on a kind of sandy and mossy promontory overlooking the ocean to the west. A very nice place too: just below stretched a yellow flowers meadow, where crested birds were frolicking, and some metres away, the ocean was licking the tiny beach of its light swell, no more than a ripple. The tide had dropped. Yes, there are tides on Aeoliah. Here some will tell me that I was wrong: there could be no tides without a moon. Yet there are, as the Sun is also involved in tides! Just that the solar tides are weaker than the lunar tides, and they always are at the same hours. Here, the maximum was in the afternoon, and the minimum at the blue hour of the night.

The meal did not surprised the arriving Eolis: fruit, of course, but they did not knew any, of course. They were so good that Algenio, sucking a seed, asked: «Would it grow in our lands?» This raised a concert of amused no no no:

«It is impossible, these trees grow only with their feet in the water of the sea!

- Oh no, they need special symbiotic fungi which reproductive cycle goes through our intestines, of us the purple Eolis. We would need to bring all our poop in your orchard.

- It would be difficult, because the seeds rise only if it is an Ereanil bird who sows them! We never knew why.

- And the ereanils build their nests only in o'chan'oa lianas with only ibizar moss...

- ... which grows only at the foot of the Aroban trees.

- And anyway the ereanils never listen to us.

- I see, it looks complicated, your thing. But I will find something.

- The thing Algenio friend is coming to live on our island» and a burst of laughter ended this discussion!

The sky was now almost purple, and the Eoli guests contemplated the red of the sunset. But there was no light-flowers on the meal place? Yet they could see very well.

The falling night unveiled a new wonder. The light-flowers here grew on the trees. At full night, the entire forest was lit up like a fairy palace. The small place of the meals received enough light to see comfortably. Under the trees, it was clearer than at day (not as much in reality, but the illusion was persistent) and the vine cradles and arbours sparkled... Even Christmas trees and garlands were a poor comparison, because the flowers were so big that they overlapped and everything glowed like light walls, frilly rainbows. The undergrowth was a succession of caves and rooms with curtains of pink light, or purple, orange, gold... The parakeets were still flying here and there, passing and passing again, but in a strange silence, with only the hiss of their wings. They looked as in a kind of ecstasy, performing some unknown ritual, without seeing the Eolis, and their plumage sparkled with all the encountered lights...

How our earthly vocabulary is exceeded! Beauty, wonder, enchantment, what more? Even Eolis found no word to express what they felt. A little shaked, they thought of the Universal Source of Life...

Flutes went out, and the Eolis of the island were preparing the evening, except for a few. Well, these Eolis indeed not have the same rhythm that us earthlings, who need to sleep early in the night, under penalty of making our nerves go haywire. But the guests Eolis well needed sleep after this trip and these emotions. The time had therefore come to unveil the surprise of the houses of the island, as invisible here as in the forest. To their astonishment, they were taken toward the rock, vast black mass in the night. They were guided in a narrow passage between the rock and the forest, to rest on a ledge of jagged rock.

How strange? Light spots inside the rock. They approached, under the amused eyes of their guides. They discovered holes, and inside... The rock was full of thousands of geodes, small caves which walls were all inlaid with sparkling mother of pearl! They were large enough to be converted into small rooms, the ground covered with moss. The hosts showed one to each couple. With great attention, they even had brought the petals blankets, and other covers made of furry soft leaves were already waiting. By mutual agreement, the birds did not nested in the geodes, and left them all available to the Eolis.

What a marvelous sleep, Among the infinitely refracted reflections of the underground fairies, with the strong fodder smell of the covers!

In fact this wealth of luminous energy did not lasted very long; past the evening hours it subsided quietly, well before the ring, colour per colour, in a slow shading, as if a rainbow was passing under the trees: pink, orange, yellow, pale blue, deep blue, black ... The second half of the night showed no more than discrete indigo candles, spreading a powerful and very strange perfume, remotely resembling violet. As often, the Eolis sleep one hour or two, wake up, dream and love, then sleet again. At the dark hours, they were just seeing the opening of their caves, silhouettes gently glittering with photons. From the depths of the great brotherly rock emanated a sweet and powerful energy of peace and serenity, which gently rocked the whole night. The silence of the dark hours (here they said the blue hour, because of the candles) was occasionally dripping with the melodic line of a night bird. Nowhere on Aeoliah you would find anything resembling owls, but rather kinds of nightingales with sweet and melodious song: the durlus, or the ouars who get their name from their mysterious sporadic calls...

In the fresh hours before dawn, the bright planetary ring replaced the indigo candles, which scent dissipated, replaced by the pure and invigorating freshness, a little iodine, which heralds the dawn here. The silence was silvered with the waves lapping on the reefs, uncovered at this time of low tide. This is how the Eolis oh the idyllic island know that it is time to get up.

Here the birds began low and very soft tremolos and chirps well before any light is visible to the east. Gradually the singing swelled, joined by other birds, without anyone could tell when it started, no more than one can say when the dawn begins. But both were there, and Eolis got their head out of their nacre rooms. The bird songs themselves seemed to make the sun raise. A silver mist came from the damp undergrowth, with a good humus smell. What a delightful freshness! Soil bacteria were feasting. The part of the rock where the guests were staying, looked somewhat to the east, toward the rising dawn. With soft rustling of wings, the islanders went out of their geodes and flew to the top of the rock. The guests did the same.

The top of the rock was not flat, but it formed a kind of landscape, with many steps, a succession of trays and tiered terraces, a rock garden planted with strange cactus (without thorns, of course) mosses and lichens, yellow or red flowers on the purple and tormented rock. Curiously this lava looked as if frozen the day before, while in places water or millennia of Eolis steps had deeply notched it. There were shells, welded to the rock by time, that distant ancestors had brought up here. The top of the lava dome also showed some hollows, one of which was large and deep enough to contain a small pond with yellow flowers, and kinds of white swimming insects. The mere fact that the Eolis bathed here regularly was enough to keep the water pure, from a subtlety of the aeolian biochemistry.

All the Eolis of the island gathered here at dawn, to sing and watch the sunrise, with a very soft and remarkably organized singing, around ten or twelve different voices, each putting in value the pitch of a different race. Each took in turn the first place in the song, then let others speak. Birds also participated, in a soft and warm expression of gratitude towards the eternal life. Some voices were simpler, to allow guests to participate even if they did not knew them. The Eolis of these islands really have the sense of welcome! The first sunrise over the Ocean was unforgettable for the new Eolis: a blossoming of colours, the whole unfolding into the infinite of a whole landscape, which became grandiose! It was more beautiful than from the sky: here the dawn was of a bright blue, cheerful and radiant, surrounded by purple iridescent light.

One of the Eolis of the welcoming committee discretely came to warn the guests that they had to be ready to see the green ray, which lasts the time of a wink, just before the disk of the Sun appears on the horizon. They never heard of this before! But they really saw a green diamond, just before the molten copper of the sun appeared on the oceanic horizon. After, the sun arose in all its majestic glory, while the Eolis song became powerfully moving, growing in an hymn to joy, until suddenly breaking in a crystalline hubbub of laughing, merry calls and gambols.


The biggest movement was going to the place of the meal, but the Eolis guests remained slightly above, with a few others, for the magnificent views they had on the island. The geese had disappeared. The lagoon, caught between the two arms of the crescent and its belly, was reduced to a simple greenery corridor, narrower where they had landed. It communicated with the sea through a narrow pass. The regular undulations of the bottom were outlined with algal clumps. A small island of greenery and flowers floated there. It moved from the night before, probably on some branches raft. The external beach was completely uncovered at low tide, ending on reefs covered with pale green algae, purplish or reddish. The sand did not extended beyond the reefs: the water turned blue and deep purple. On the side of the rock, there was no beach, but still the wonderfully clear water showed, just under the surface, a reef of rocks rich in a marvellous underwater life: the desire to go diving there was really poignant!

But the new eolis were eager to first of all visit the geodes, where they had spent the night without being able to admire them, by lack of light. Still accompanied by some of the island dwellers, they explored them with many comments! Imagine little underground cavities, completely tiled with pieces of iridescent mother-of-pearl, thoroughly arranged and harmonized, fixed perhaps with a sort of cement known only by the Eolis. In more, certain aeolian mother-of-pearls are coloured... Let us call this geodes, although it is not real crystal geodes, which do not form into lava but with deep mineral waters. The one of Nellio and Milareva was an orange fire. Their guests had done a good choice, as, we must say, even for Eolis it is difficult to guess the preferred colours of an unknown person. Algenio and Liouna were granted with a bean-shaped cave, of a tender pastel mauve, remarkably smooth; The one of Nasachto and Inelounia was round, plastered with a suave milky pink, as expected, and at last Anthelm and Elnadjine had a great cave, also orange, which entrance was covered by a translucent shutter: from inside it looked like a fire stained glass. The island dwellers were nudging each others, also feeling happy to see them wondering! I must confess that these clear caves, smooth and merrily coloured, were really a delight to inhabit in. There were hundreds of them, dug into the rock, but in a way not to be visible from the outside.

The morning meal took place like the one of the last evening, among fruits and laughter. At the end, two big toucans arrived from the ocean, each bearing two mauve Eolis on their back. These toucans looked much like on Earth, with the same enormous beaks, different hues but as much gaily coloured, with deep moving calls. There were only four or six couples on the island, but this was enough for them to be heard everywhere. As the only large resident birds, they had in charge the transportation of the Eolis from one island to the other. So they spent half of their time wandering above the ocean, as everyday Eolis were coming and going to the numerous neighbouring islands.


It would be long to tell all these days of sweet happiness that the new Eolis spent on the idyllic island. They had so much to say! Indeed, most of the inhabitants of the island were not born here; the mauve Eolis came from the third and fourth continents, the blue of the fifth and sixth, and the others from still further. How many tender confidences and spiritual sharing, scattered in small groups in the flower swings on top of the trees, or on the outer beaches! How many various landscapes and strange manners to compare! It is that it is big, Aeoliah, and we can hardly imagine that a hundred billion Eolis would all live in the same way.

At first sight, there was no activity on the idyllic island. No cultivation, no houses cleaning, no clothes weaving or sewing. Yet the islanders were always busy... We had to keep the beaches and the forest clean, picking up empty shells (at ten, for the largest) remove sand from the caves, trim trees, cut the old flowers, collect the waste... Without stopping, the eolines ants came and went in the woods, dragging a leave, scratching a trunk... They were especially keen that the moss in the green caves, under the roots, were always impeccable as an English lawn. But here, no demonstrative enthusiasm: a kind of dreamy sweetness... As much effective, though. In fact most of the work was not so much its concrete goal that the joy they put into it: the Eolis sang, danced while passing loads to each other, joked, told stories, disappeared in the facetious mazes of moss...

Another important activity was the meditation, which never stopped all day long, and even at night, on top of the rock. That shines the sweet harmony of the idyllic island, offered to the whole planet and the universe! The laughter-bell and sights of various origins rising from the forest did not interfere with the meditation: on the contrary it hued their radiation with sweet tenderness and kindness. For deeper meditations, some geodes were reserved, ocean side, in the perfect mineral silence, without even birdsong. From the astral, the island was a beautiful pink lighthouse sitting on a rock of serenity, or a thousand-petalled lotus in sap filled greenery.

At night, as with the Soul first Aid, some inhabitants of the idyllic island were going away in astral voyage, toward a far away planet where they were helping beings on the way of their evolution. It was small animals, not much more evolved, intellectually, than our fishes. But these beings were never revolted against life, and they received the friendly and luminous teaching of the Eolis with a moving naivety. They were already working to make their planet more harmonious, while they even had no hands. What formidable promises this planet held! What a shame for some Earthlings who just keep lazy or destroying everything, while they have so much possibilities!

The island dwellers got strongly interested in the soul first-aid on the grim Earth, and even two candidates joined them. Milareva and Liouna readily accepted this unexpected help, guessing that these two blue Eolis were spiritually solid enough and really able. As it was impossible to physically meet them everyday, they agreed about gathering in the astral world, for training or working sessions. Thus Milareva had a very good pretext to come back visiting them on the island, a thought she enjoyed!

The Eolis guests dispersed to join the islanders in their daily lives, and mingled with their work.


The place of the meal was buzzing throughout the day with discussions, and sometimes real conferences: there always were visitors on the island, for a few days or for a few centuries. The nicest Eolis of the idyllic island gradually distilled them their wisdom. When discussing, the Eolis, as in any other activity, always keep their thoughts in harmony with the Universal Laws. This makes that never any thought or action of one Eoli can hurt, and even not contradict or irritate any other Eoli. Or any other living elsewhere. And if sometimes they brought some contradiction or organized full debates, it was to provoke and stimulate the flow of thought between the various aspects and arguments of a problem, a very useful exercise to train the reasoning for the understanding of complex matters. But, beyond the exchange of knowledge, these discussions were mainly gifts or exchanges of energy: encouragement, admiration, mutual respect and esteem for what each one has so special... Each party was returning more solid, more assiduous in his spiritual work, happier in his lifestyle, calmer, stronger, more enthusiastic in what he had of most precious. Never the tone was rising, it was always in the joy or in the wonder, between the warm friendship and the gentle confidence. The only precaution required was to speak calmly and quietly, so as not to disturb the silence of nature, or the meditators just above them on the cliff top. But this, the Eolis always pay attention.

A little further along the beach, or in small alcoves of greenery, groups of Eolis and Eolines were singing softly, while cutting pieces of nacre or assembling feathers for their finery, to the sound of a dreaming pipe.

In a cave at the bottom of the rock, seeds with a strong cinnamon fragrance were kept macerating, to be used as a kind of henna to draw on the skin the small heart and the four pronged star worn by all the Eolis. But the bulk of the production had a lovely yet unexpected use: It was the Eoline with the copper skin who used to be abundantly anointed by her companion. Her natural skin was in fact pink like an European. They took a great love pleasure to this strange custom, perhaps some remembering of a former life on some exotic planet. The other Eolis did not shared this game, but they were happy to see them happy like that.

Ah! Friend reader, I should enjoy very much to speak of the love plays of the Eolis! How much tenderness, Poetry, gentleness! But it happens than today our Earth is in one of these sad epochs where everything about bodily love is hackneyed, spoiled, depoetized, marketed. Oh, how much we deprive ourselves, in projecting such lowness on our simplest pleasures! Even heart love is considered only as a simple pretext, something accessory! What a misery!

So I feel obliged, reluctantly, to surround with a charming discretion a whole part of the lives of the Eolis, so that no dirty remarks will stain it. One look only with clean eyes. Moreover, the Eolis themselves do not talk much of it, and only between relatives. Oh, they do not need sex education, them.

Interested readers with a pure spirit may still know that the Eolis are much like us in that regard. Or rather, it is as for the humans who truly master their energies, and this gives them much more pleasure and happiness than flatly following the slope of their fantasies and other primary instincts. That all the aspects of their lives are poetic, gentle, kind, pure, beautiful, fragrant, moving. As in all fields, the desire and energy remain under the domination of their soul, which lets it out at the right time. But then they do it, it is without hesitation, without restraint. The Eolis live their lives completely, madly.

If we on Earth had been in one of those periods of cold bigotry, or this so unhealthy and bad smelling prudishness which makes us ashamed of the chaste kiss of a child, I would certainly took a provocative and healthy pleasure in detailing the intimacy of the Eolis and its many pleasures... Do you know that some have sometimes surprising customs. In another book, perhaps, in a more pure future?

One must still know that the Eolis do not separate their love lives of their wisdom or their spirit, no more than they do with other aspects of their lives, such as economics or art. They actually follow a path which is also part of various spiritual teachings on Earth. But this is still surrounded by discretion: it is dangerous to tinker in these areas without a perfectly pure motivation.

The moral of the Eolis (if we can call it like this, because it is not a set of formal Aristotelian rules, but rather an intuitive and accurate wisdom, although ineffable) differs in some details of what should be ours... But beware, those who pretend that morality is only an agreement changing with the place or the time, should remain silent: the differences between us and them are justified only by some biological or psyche differences. But on the bottom, the Eoline morality and the one which should be ours on Earth are both based on the same respect for the individual and the Universal Laws of Life.

Even if this may surprise certain readers, Adenankar, when the archangelic Milareva was introduced to him in the astral world, soon before their birth in order to unite their aeolian lives, he asked her to share every aspects of this future existence; he asked that she would be able to abandon herself as do all the eolines lovers. She did not objected; only her eternal white aura of mystic bliss just got a shade of pink toward the one who was preparing to be born to become her lover companion.

And, in fact, friend reader, if you could encounter the white, the pure Milareva, you would find her really lovely...




* * *


As there was not much to do on the island, the guest eolis were let to do what they wanted. Milareva disappeared around the meal place, in the west part of the island, where the inhabitants used to make jewels in mother-of-pearls. She may have enjoyed to cut these white stones, in the gentle accomplice silence of a small team, who delightfully tasted her pure and powerful vibration... Anthelm and Elnadjine joined the small speleopoetical party which went into the hollows of the rock, to empty the sand and the water saturated with dissolved stone, and allow fresh water to dissolve more rock. Algenio and Liouna, on the foot of the rock, but on the sea side, went on the coral reefs just above the water, for who knows which business needed in this place. So the moving and crystalline seas of Aeoliah host rather strange forms of life and much secrets, that the author of these lines was not allowed to look close by. May be we could scientifically study the Aeolian oceans, and perhaps find explanations to the strange phenomena which take place here, but thus they would loose their poetry, their mystery... Some curious may have searched, and perhaps found, but isn't the sea much more beautiful to contemplate from the top of the rock?

Nasachto and Inelounia remained with Nellio and eight mauve Eolis, for cleaning the corridors of moss under the roots. They were intrigued: why did trees grew on tripods? Why fresh shells were gathering there so far from the beach? Only two months were enough to remove them all. They asked no questions, all in their joy of playing at such a work in the company of so charming beings... Their scent between rose and violet was enhanced in the undergrowth, in response to their own, apricot or peach. Their crystalline laughter met on different modes, in endless variations.

They finished removing the larger shells from an alley already free from the small ones, and for this they roped together and pulled, as the Eolis do for all heavy loads. It was easy, given their number. These walks in the fresh wood were pleasantly accompanied by the acute and airy songs of the purple Eolis. Inelounia, who sang beautifully, answered them with his companions in more grave and emotional tones.

The shells cleared from the undergrowth had several destinations: they were mounted to the rock for some flowery construction, or they were going to the jewellery beach. But most were piled up in places, to strengthen the dunes. They then filled them with sand. These shells were very beautiful, adorned with nice colours, scalloped with thousand serrations, or instead of the purest curve. Even for the piling, they were stored by colours, ensuring that they cling to each other. (Why these precautions?)

The mauve Eolis, all more gentle and sweet the one than the other, did not forgot to follow a really lovely discipline: To accomplish each gesture the most graciously and lightly as possible, dancing in harmony with the song, and this song itself was not a fixed text or music, but a constant improvisation which mode and expression were reflecting the ambience, the moment, the place, the mood of the participants...

Moreover, they are striving to be present, that is to be aware of the situation, the atmosphere, the proper poetry of each place and each gesture... And to fully enjoy the happiness which flowed of it.

This was enough to take their thought full time, not rambling on unnecessary things. Anyway there are few unnecessary things on Aeoliah, what we call distractions. The exercises of the mauve Eolis were fairly easy; but in addition they trained to do it together, in full communication and communion.

It is that communication is a simple but delicate art. The «transmitter» should send nothing not in harmony with the Universal Laws, or against the poetry of the moment, against what the «receiver» would be forced to defend himself. The latter of course must accept to enter in the game, in the one of the Universal Laws of course, but also in the spirit of the «transmitter», the idea or the feeling he wants to convey without getting stuck in a state of denial, and no more of attachment or addiction. For communion, everything must both draw from the same source of Love of Life and enthusiasm (not necessarily to communicate, subtle nuance). It is a subtle thread which connects them, that the slightest clumsy gesture can break, but when we developed Gentleness, Patience, discretion, this never happens.

This art is a learning on the job, like all the great achievements in life. At first it is difficult, we often fail, but it ends up becoming workable. Learning to communicate is like learning to ride a bike in the material world: it is difficult, and if you never heard of people cycling around, it would seem impossible to you, «utopian» «unrealistic». Yet the delicate balance of the bike is quickly acquired, and all the more quickly that one is passionate. Then it becomes obvious, a background unconscious reflex. And a fearless kid can amaze his parents by candlelight hands on the handlebars, or dropping them to read a book while driving. On the contrary, someone afraid will obstinately fall. It is a story of neural circuits to form, adapt. Unused brain cells connect, automatically assemble into a nervous system capable of solving as by playing the third order differential equations needed to drive a bike. Yes your brain does this, without you even notice. What a fantastic auxiliary! And what is the powerful engine capable of automatically creating from scratch these great assemblies of nerve cells more complex than a giant computer? It is joy, enthusiasm, passion! The overarching principle of all pedagogy is that we should always go to school for fun, not for work.

What applies to this «down to earth» example is just as valid for communication, or for the cultivation of the garden of the soul in general. All this is also a brain training business, at least during material life. The Eolis, like all beings in all the universes, cultivate the garden of their soul. For them it is a work and a cheerful concern, but constant. They are successful thanks to their impulsive joy, and their background of Love and Enthusiasm for all Creation. What may restrain us on Earth from doing the same? Would these gentle (but lucid) Eolis be right to consider us as childish, immature, incomplete, or even for some of us as «sick», rebel, or at least at odds with the luminous evidence of life, perpetually trying to hide ourselves this warp, despite the painful falls which result of it?? If this was the case, then useless to ask why the meaning of life and the great Universal Truths seem «incommunicable» or «esoteric» to these people. Anyway what meaning may have the word «communication» for a human who spent his life thinking only of himself?

(I developed these questions in a clearer and more scientific way in my book «General Epistemology», part 5 on consciousness.)

In any case, the Eolis, them, they are progressing, and even very fast when it is time. But they also know to take the time to fully enjoy the result, and lengthily soak themselves with this peaceful Happiness. Having training their brain, they must also train their spiritual body, the only one which accompanies us after death. And for this, you need a lot of time, a lot of joy, a lot of work. What a long life of thorough happiness to accomplish this!


During all their stay on the idyllic island, the new Eolis helped cleaning two glens in the undergrowth, between the dunes. These glens were lines of caves under the forked roots of the great trees, or charming little mossy glades. In places, dead branches or trunks were forming large bridges. But they disappeared quickly, as mushrooms and dead wood eating insects were fast into their business. What an idea to have so many mushrooms varieties on so small an island? Each piece of dead wood was a palace of variegated cap forms and colours, which advantageously supplemented the fruits into the diet of the Eolis. In the shadowy undergrowth were also growing many plants which chlorophyll was not green, but blue-green, blue, purple, pinkish... On Earth only certain ancient algae still have such colours, or ornamental plants which regained them.

But the guest Eolis never completed this work. One morning, near the end of their stay, they felt the now familiar warning for the Aeoliah shivers. But no shiver was coming. They had to climb on the rock, and the inhabitant of the island also did. At noon, they were all on the top, with fruits for the meal, scattered in small groups on the flats of the summit. At first the guest Eolis did not realized what was coming in silence: it was the merry exclamations of the others which made them look at the bottom. The beach had disappeared. Only at this moment they heard the powerful breath of water rushing under the trees. Then the beach was uncovered again, in a cataract of rushing ebb. The water of the lagoon remained a moment balancing up and down, troubling itself little by little. What did you guess, in this region of fulminating volcanoes, these small tsunamis were fairly common.

Fortunately, this telepathic call warned the creatures of the land and of the water, letting each of them the time to climb on a rock or to get out into the open sea.

The guest Eolis, getting down from the rock, could see that the wave had broke in the undergrowth, transforming the landscape, digging here, gathering sand there, spreading everywhere shells and multicoloured coral bits. Ah, there always was work on the island! The trees also were protecting themselves in their way, against this permanent undermining: this was the purpose of their tripod roots! Really, there are no atolls without big waves: tsunamis on Aeoliah, or cyclones on Earth. Otherwise, how sand produced by coral under the sea could build islands above this sea? Only the most exceptional waves brought it where it is now, otherwise our nice tropical islands would be just reefs showing under the surface. In the paradise island, tidal waves were a kind of game: to be cherished by the ocean... And the Aeoliah shivers? The eolis only shiver from love...


When they resumed the next day to clean the undergrowth, the Eolis guests could realize the usefulness of their work. The walls of shells and corals, cleverly adjusted, had mostly withstood the powerful flows and retained sand. So, the dunes were consolidating slowly, and the moss remained clean as a lawn. Even without the work of the Eolis, the roots, bushes and mosses already retained a lot of sand. The sea had thrown everywhere new debris of sea beings and pearl, so that they had to pick them up again. Some were quite heavy despite their small size, formed of platelets and smooth filaments. The Eolis were clearing them first, to sort them into categories near the beaches. The Eolis guests knew what it was, as they often saw these even on their continent away from the sea. But you, dear readers, I let you bet.


Think before you read more ...


Iron! Yes, you probably wondered how the Eolis make their picks and metal knives, without fire or industry? We would hardly see these little people building blast furnaces or handle red hot iron. Oh, resourceful as they are, they would certainly manage to do it, but this was not the way they wanted to live. This required that the generous nature of Aeoliah provide them this metal, still quite useful.

It is some sea creatures which create it, from the iron oxide dissolved in the ocean. Animals of the Aeoliah seas are able to reduce this oxide, which is easier than reducing carbon dioxide and water as plants commonly do. From the metal, they create kinds of bones, that they abandon at their bodily death. The Eolis just need to pick up what the waves bring up, and distribute it on all the continents of Aeoliah, on the occasion of the various individual travels. There, Eoli blacksmiths end up cutting it with grindstones, and assemble them.

These blocks are anyway not pure iron, but an alloy containing other metals, also present in the water: manganese, silicon... and also some carbon: this makes steel, not a superior one, but good enough for the Eoli's uses. But on the other hand it does not contain the impurities (sulphur, phosphorus...) of the iron of the mine, and this makes it very resistant to rust, nearby stainless.

This iron is secreted atom per atom, by a kind of periosteum. From there some strange properties, that the Eolis did not missed to use for some crafty purposes. It is in a way tempered native; its crystals are oriented, giving it a grain like wood, better than that of steel pressings. Sometimes it is magnetic. Dream wondering... have the strong magnetic polarities of the beings with iron bones any relation with their love affairs?... ...?

These bones are denser than the ones in limestone, but as iron is much more resistant, they are overal lighter than limestone bones. So their bearers can float as well as a (closed) can or a boat. More often these bones come under the shapes of blades or tubes, from which it is easy to make tools, picks, gouges, axles, blades, drills...


All this living chemistry must not be surprising. Life is by far the best chemist.

Do you know that on Earth, some bacteria live in boiling water, breathing sulphur, sometimes several kilometres underground. Others feed with ore.

On Earth we choose to live with an industry... which would do much better to imitate the Aeolian life. The sea contains any possible chemical bodies in solution, and this is an inexhaustible resource since all the minerals are indefinitely renewed, thanks to erosion. Some floating islands, large but stealth, could extract them, using solar energy, without any pollution or nuisance for anybody.

Anyway among the friend planets that the Eolis know and visit, all those witch developed a technology similar to ours did it in this way: no more mining, and the whole set of heavy industry of the entire planet is installed on some artificial islands, automated, with only some hundred of persons working here. This production is however only a complement to the massive recycling of all the exhaustible resources. Let us take some seed of it: for the price of some nuclear submarines, we could gain a lot of freedom and life time, while avoiding most of the pollutions of our planet.




* * *


Their sojourn on the idyllic island was for the invited Eolis a dream, a long happiness impossible to tell. It seemed stronger than in their village, as it was different. And these mauve Eolis were really lovely. They did not laughed as often than the pink ones, their Enthusiasm was more discreet, but they emanated a very pure Poetry, very delicate, as a Maria figure dressed in blue in her Christmas manger, serene as the sky, pure like the air on the top of the mountains, with a perfume more subtle than the fragrance of flowers... And, as with their skin about which we could never guess if it was rather pink or rather blue, their smile was unpredictably passing from mindful gentleness to contagious wondering.

Our friends had the opportunity to get more acquainted with some of the inhabitants of the idyllic island, especially the suave Lioureline who speaks only in singing. She became later a great friend of Inelounia, as we shall see later.


But the sojourn came to an end. No regrets, anyway, about this wonderful island, its miraculous birds, its so nice eolis. Just a little bit of nostalgia to leave new friends. But their desire was to return to their village, their pink friends, apricot fragrance and all their dear pending activities.

One by one the geese reappeared, without the youth, but with two other couples of a beautiful cobalt blue.

The Eolis of the island gathered again for goodbyes on the lagoon beach. It was as long at when arriving, because if they no longer had to meet, they now had a lot to say. Again, the geese waited placidly, loaded with the famous iron plates, making cooing at times, to tell secrets of geese, doing sidelong glance on the Eolis.

Again they flew, at evening this time, for a wonderful trip home. But they probably not followed the same route, as they recognized no landscape. Just before night fall, they saw a still more beautiful island, without rock, but with a circular lagoon of a bewitching pink and flamboyant huge yellow and orange trees. No doubt in was inhabited, because it radiated a kind of rhythmic and exuberant joy. Later, after the planetary ring was off in the shadow, they still saw two bright atolls in the night, one was an indigo circle, the other was more like an eight, indicated by some stars of a mind boggling blue-green. This is how things are on Aeoliah: we always think that we found the ultimate marvel, but still we find better...


So they returned to their native village and their friends, rich with more wonderful memories...



The Gardens of Aeoliah

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