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The Gardens of Aeoliah

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Chapter 3

* Aurora and Nellio's love *

(Suggested music: theme of the Eolis, Bearns and Dexter, «Golden Voyage 3», «look alter tomorrow for me»)

(With «Lovely Day» of «William Aura» it is as good either)


Aurora and Nellio were born on Aeoliah in the eighth century of our era; so they are young Eolis, with twenty or fifty thousand years to live, or eternity if they want, as their bodies can regenerate indefinitely. So it is only from their own desire that they will leave Aeoliah one day or another, towards upper consciousness levels, after fully enjoying all the wonders this life offered them. If we really consider the question, twenty thousand years is very fast for this. Aurora and Nellio were young childish spirits; they always lived in worlds of pure emotion, of pure vibration, without body forms nor matter. They also always abided in perfect communion with the Universal Source of Life and Happiness! How would they only imagine that it is possible to abandon this communion even for a while? Tempted with this experiment of the material life, exotic for them, they chose Aeoliah which gentle and merry fairyhood enchanted them. Aeoliah in the world of forms also vibrates in perfect communion with the Universal Source of Life, but in a way infinitely more complex, as it exists into a material universe...

Aurora was so new, that, in her mother's womb, absorbed in this luminous and moving ecstasy, she thought that this already was the body life! How happy to be like this, suffused into a red or golden light, rocked with suave music and a moving drum (her mother's heart)! She tried to perceive Nellio with her new senses, but without success, as he was in his own mother's womb. But, for her greatest joy, she always knew when he thought of her! He, on his side, had gathered some informations and he knew that this phase was only preliminary; the body life was still much more astonishing. He tried to explain this to Aurora, but he could not himself conceive this; she neither. From time to time, they were, as before, free to wander where they liked, free to deliciously merge the one into the other, or with their former friends. Or they perceived from Aeoliah luminous and inextricable puzzles of extremely pretty colours, but completely ununderstandable for them.

It was what we call images, but how to imagine images without ever having seen any? And when we are even not able to recognise a circle from a straight line? For the inhabitants of the abstract worlds, forms are of no meaning, they even know nothing of them. They fairly know colours, but for them it is more vibrations and emotions than sensations. To which unexpected emotions could refer these patchworks of exotic sensations? Their guides in the world of the emotions introduced them about images and forms, but as nobody really knew what images really are, the few explanations they gave were quite abstract and the images undoubtedly extremely complicated to understand. So, at that moment, Aurora and Nellio did not suspected that they were starting to see these extraordinary images which their Masters were speaking about.


They took birth on the gentle Aeoliah planet, in our village, Aurora early in the morning and Nellio two days later, together with six other Eoli children. Ô blessed days of the beginning, engraved forever in their memory, with shivers and a hint of nostalgia... And yes, births are rare on Aeoliah, but this is because life is long. Therefore everyone try to enjoy them at best: births happen in the same time, so that children can live together, and those who already love each other can meet without delay. What a happy time for the Eolis!


What an unimaginable surprise, to be born that way, submerged, transported with so many entirely new emotions! Aurora was merrily lost into images the first three days along, her who was completely ignorant of them just before. The darkness of the night was a completely disconcerting discovery: How to conceive that the Light itself could thus express its absence? For an inhabitant of the spirit worlds, the Light is the Life, it is Happiness, and the luminous colours are the beautiful emotions. Fortunately the Eoli brain is not concerned with any negative emotion, otherwise Aurora would have been afraid. She rather experienced a feeling of deep mystery and was finally happy (after having fallen asleep) to feel again in communion, in fusion with her much loved Nellio.

When these blazing exchanges were taking place, each of them, from his kindness, offered to the other the Fire of life, the spirit, the dash towards Happiness, the very Confidence into life, into the Universe. The very existence of consciousness would be inconceivable without this gift. They received much promises that there also existed many other ways to have such exchanges in the material world, but they would have to find themselves how. With all these subtleties, we can understand that they had some hesitations!


They needed to get accustomed to the very special course of time into the material world. At the beginning, the feeling of duration completely disconcerted them: how to imagine that an event does not exist itself immediately, simply when its cause is established? Waiting, distance, time lapse, all this was completely foreign for them.

You must know that in the worlds of pure spirit, the places are the ambience of the beings: a loving thought, and hop we get into our friend's aura, with his presence, besides him or in communion with him, according to the depth of our love. Another thought and the first friend leaves us for another with a different ambience. No intermediate journey, neither space nor distance as in the material universe; or, more exactly the distance between two beings is nothing else than the difference between their ambiances: the larger the contrast between the one and the other, the more distant they are, in spirit. The more there are variety and differences, the more space and freedom there is, and the farther we can go, from a simple gesture of our heart. What a strangeness, therefore, not to be able to move their new body instantaneously, as desired, into our material space! On the contrary, in order to advance, they had to perform a series of complicated movements, and to do them again and again... But our young Eolis had been duly warned of all this, at the occasion of their lessons. From this, Aurora and Nellio still feel, all their life along, like much others, a very clear feeling that each place on their planet, each landscape, each rock, each house, has its own unique ambience, irreplaceable, belonging to the visible or invisible beings which inhabit them, from which they can be close or remote, independently of the material distance.

But the Eolis are down to Earth beings, if we can use this expression about inhabitants of a remote planet. Baby Aurora and Baby Nellio quickly got accustomed to their new condition and soon felt perfectly happy and at ease, as all the others. Anyway the nights seemed to happen at regular moments: they enabled them to join again their former way of being, and so to get some rest of all the odd gymnastics of the day. Do not laugh, friend reader: why do you believe that you sleep too?

Astonishing, for Earthlings, the umbilical cord of the Eolis. On Earth, it lasts only a few minutes, just the time to learn how to breathe with plenitude, after what it dries up. (It is extremely dangerous to cut it immediately, this impede the automatic self-adjustment of breathing, condemning the child to remain all his life skimpy of the lung) On Aeoliah, it may last three weeks as well! He yes, the babies are born very small, in the very slender and so nice belly of their mom! The creators of Aeoliah had their idea, I tell you! All this happens fine at last, and when the cord withers the Eoli babies are grown up, they can breathe, eat and walk.

Aurora had some difficulties to eat the first day: her mom held her this fruit with a suave perfume... Aurora enjoyed the perfume, but was not understanding what to do with the fruit. She tried to fuse with the fruit, as she was accustomed to do in her former world, but it remained stuck against her nice face without entering in her. Ha, the daubing sessions! Fortunately Aurora just had to let her guided by her material body. The later perfectly knew what to do with the fruit! At last, the fruit entered, but bites by bites! Astonished, she accepted this strange form of spiritual fusion and enjoyed the delicious taste of the pineapple. Aurora felt that this taste, this perfume, this luminous yellow colour, nourished in her heart Amazement, Poetry, and Joy! So yum-yum the pineapple and all the other fruits quickly took the habit to pass where they have to.

Aurora's mom was a long Eoline named Elora, wearing long pale yellow hair with curious green reflections. She still lives in the village today. She looked upon Aurora with her large eyes of a limpid green, smiling or murmuring tender words with her soft and deep voice. By seeing her so beautiful and so gentle, Aurora felt in the depth of her heart that, in spite of its odds, the material life was very worth the effort to be experienced.

Nellio also handsomely found his path along. The preparation courses helped him. So, he knew that it was necessary to eat, but was completely ignorant about how this happened: his gentle Masters all the same left many details in the shade! But in the material world the smallest detail has its importance. That did not prevented either Baby Nellio from soon devouring with gusto, and exploring all around with his untiring glance, and chirping with the nicest voice of the world.

A more subtle difference with the world of the spirit is that in the material world, a permanent effort is required to remain in communion with the Universal Source of Life. It is certainly easy, on Aeoliah, but no relaxation is tolerable. This, on the other hand, their Master took thorough care to drum this into them, it was an imperative rule, of a higher importance. Getting in the game, Aurora and Nellio soon got fervently busy about this. They were right to do like this, otherwise they could not had become true merry and poetic Eolis, they would simply be ejected from Aeoliah, just like lice.

Aurora and Nellio became lovely Eoli children, who, only just when they lost their cords, started to explore and play, clothed with a dress and a nice small flower cap. The Eoli children really do not match the unfair image of the rowdy and disturbing children that some among us have in mind. Definitively not. As all children of the universe they devote their inexhaustible energy to experiencing all the joys and activities of life. The Eolis children are poets! And what an infinitely poetic and lovely spectacle they offer!

The first play of Aurora was to breathe the perfumes of the flowers; as soon as she could, she went away toddling along into the village, smelling all that was within her reach, joyously tasting the immense variety of Aeolian fragrances, which often change along with time in the day.

Nellio soon followed Aurora; how surprised they were when this large yellow and gold flower started to crawl about on the ground! It was a caterpillar. Elora, who was looking at them, cherished it. A caterpillar, you know, it is clean; if, on Earth, we feel them disgusting, it is only a protective instinct, because some are irritating, here on our planet. Absolutely nothing such on Aeoliah: everyone can be cherished or be embraced in the most complete confidence. Ha the astonished face of the children!

Elora explained with her serious and gentle voice that it was a body of a different form, also being used as a vehicle by a very simple mind. They yet did not really understood, but they guessed that there was something very significant in there.

The caterpillar launched a naive glance at them, concerning and friendly, before turning over wriggling and buckling towards its caterpillar life.

Aurora and Nellio started to seek for other caterpillars, and they found a splendid beetle, black with blue metal reflections, and another smaller one looking as if it was made of pure gold. (We can also find this on Earth) the small gilded one flew away promptly, but the great black followed them a moment. It was wearing long grips; with them it seized a small purple fruit fallen from a bush, and carried it in a hole in a rock, just at the edge of one of the village meeting place.

It was the place of the cotton: Nellio approached and wondered if whether the beautiful pink flakes were also alive. Undoubtedly yes, because, pushed by a light breeze, they were trying to escape.

Antonnafachto and Mielora were sorting and arranging the harvest of the day. Mielora was enchanted with the sight of these lovely children chirping and balancing with a ravishing charm. She began to teach to Aurora the gestures of the cotton: to withdraw the leave bits, to tighten the wicks (Carding being done later). Antonnafachto showed to Nellio how to rebound on a stuffed bag, which made him scream with laughter: blinking Antonnafachto!


The very first education of the young Eolis is to be fully conscious of all the wonders of the world and of life, to learn how to be really delighted, to fully enjoy, without any calculation nor parasitic thought. This is of the highest importance, the very framework of life. Without that, it is not worth the sorrow to be alive, without that we are happy only in dotted line, we are distraught by lifeless or unimportant thoughts, we live beside the life, perceiving only the surface of it, the dead crust. Happiness, like a garden, a plant or a house, has to be built, looked after, and repaired. And the continual attention is the first tool for this. Just like any alive being does, Happiness nourishes itself, of beautiful emotions, mutual attention and Sincerity.

The Eolis proposed many charming exercises to their children, for accustoming them: to admire the Sun rise, to listen to the birds, to breathe the flowers, to live together, to merrily perform the useful activities of the everyday life...

Aurora and Nellio, moved, recognised there the forms of spiritual fusion that they were promised to find, in the shared activity, the emotions and the ideals tense towards a same goal, the harmonious group of the choral chanting, the merry moment of large work together, the complicity of a glance at the time of the gentle sewing sessions, sitting the ones beside the others in silence, this marvellous Silence respectful of the others, and also the gifts of kindness, the encouragements, and all the little mutual attentions which sow the Joy and galvanise the Fire of life! To be happy, it is a serious business, an attention of every moment!


All the Eoli children apply to these exercises with enthusiasm and seriousness. Those eight used to meet together to share their experiences. As soon as they were able to hold a tool they wanted to organise the culture of strawberries on one of the terraces of the village.

It was first necessary to spread out an old heap of ripe compost. As soon as the next morning, with the assistance of three close villages, more than one hundred Eolis were undertaking to spread out the heap. The business was carried out roundly, within two days. What a beautiful festival! The children were staring at all these peoples flying here and there, and the whole village was buzzing like a hive at time of great honey harvest. The children did no longer knew where to look at, and looked somewhat stoned! Their parents and friends helped the young forces of the Eoli children, at the occasion of these first plantations. In addition to strawberries, following lightnings of delighted ideas, it was planted more than fifteen kinds of fruits, flowers, and other plants with various uses.

It was not just a mood: today, thirteen centuries later, some of the eight Eolis still cultivate this place.


The plantations were almost finished when the sky changed colour; it fell from there large dewdrops! The Eoli children discovered the rain, which regularly falls about each twenty or thirty days, each time the unique meteorological front of Aeoliah makes a turn around the planet. It lasts two or three days, during which it is uneasy to get out, for these small creatures.

The eight children were invited into a vast and new pumpkin house, with its inside all in yellow and pink, where their parents showed them large scrolls of paper covered with images. It was marvellous, they learned thus that the whole Aeoliah is round, that there are other spheres in the sky, and, on Aeoliah, innumerable other villages, with infinitely varied plants and Eolis with different skin colours. They had so much to discover! Filled with wonder, sometimes laughing and exclaiming, sometimes dreaming and contemplative, they eyed greedily the so beautiful images of their still unknown world.

The evening, the young Eoli peoples go to sleep; but as soon as they can speak and undertake some activity, they remain a while with the elders in the meeting place. The light does not disappear completely: Aeoliah's ring is worth a moon, which dispenses a weak but gold-warm clearness. Similar to the Saturn's ring, but less broad and translucent like a gold haze, it extends its splendour in a large arch along the star-studded night sky. Speckles allow to see its eternal rotation...

This clearness would have made stars to fade, if Aeoliah was not in the bulb of its galaxy, where stars are tighter, therefore more brilliant in the sky. Anyway, in the heart of the night the ring is in the shadow of the planet: it is then possible to contemplate at ease all the splendours of the deep sky...

The meeting place of the village is also illuminated with light flowers. Imagine bowl shaped cactus, smooth, dark green, large like a (Eoli) head, planted in easily portable basins; they wear flowers with six long tapered petals, enclosing a heart with three orange stamen. Curiously odourless and pale in the day, they radiate at night a moving coloured fluorescence, like fireflies. The Eolis harmonise them by three to make a somewhat white light, but the shades are then nicely iridescent. Other salvage light flowers grow in nature, little magic lanterns, and, gently, friend readers, closing our eyes one moment, let us imagine this splendour animating the night distances: phantasmagoria dawns, luminous stained glasses exhibiting the boldest colours, underlining mountains and hills, replying to the stars of the sky, landscape of palpitating light and black velvet that no wonder teller on Earth never dared to imagine!

As of the first evening spent with their elders, the young Eolis, subjugated, lengthily remained silent and quiet in front of a so powerful beauty. For a first contemplative meditation, that was a great one! Ha, to feel a part of such a beautiful Universe! So beautiful that arises a blazing desire to discover it, to contemplate it still more and further, and grows a delicious desire for being a part of its enthusiastic splendour!

At time where the sunset is just a remaining purple aura, a gentle freshness falls from the sky, inviting to Peace and meditation, after a day of Activity and Joy; the crickets play their concert, and a red light ignites on the highest point of the Evening Mountain, black on the twilight background.

Mysteries of Aeoliah...

Shivering crickets...

Fresh breeze...

Gleaming constellations...

Tutut sound of frogs in wet ravines.


First singing lessons for the Eoli children, little beings filled with wonder in front of such a splendid universe...



The young Eolis grow fast, like fledglings. As long as they are children, they live with their parents, first sleeping with them, then in a small bed with a cloth of embroidered cotton and a cover in flower petals. Aurora and Nellio, children but no longer babies, were still largely taking advantage of the night to escape from matter and to meet together again in the world of the spirit, where we can communicate directly from heart to heart, to harmonise together completely, and this still was a great Happiness for them. They could also wander a while on Aeoliah, explore the surroundings, the rocks, the brooks, that the eye of the heart sees more beautiful. So it was this, these puzzles of colours which so much intrigued them before their birth! Their disincarnated spirit could now imitate their material brain, and assemble these confused perceptions into images and landscapes, sometimes curiously distorted but recognisable. In their mirthful happiness they had the feeling of significant adjustments being achieved thus between their bodies, the concrete one and the abstract one. They could walk everywhere in spirit, but the Evening Mountain, seen in spirit, blazed with a powerful and fascinating aura: how to dare to approach the radiant Mystery?

The day found them perfectly at ease and integrated in their bodies, merrily taking part to the community life. Among the young Eolis, one strangely looked like Nellio: Algenio. But Algenio did not came from the world of the spirit: he already lived on another planet, even several times. This was a good mystery for Nellio and Aurora, but Algenio apparently had no memories of these former lives. Sometimes Algenio was visited by Adenankar, an old Eoli living in the forest behind the village, together with his Eoline, whom one never saw. They were going away together outside the village, and Algenio was sitting down in the lotus position, crossed legs, the preferred position of the Eolis. Adenankar was doing in the same way just behind him, and then passed his hands along Nellio's back, or over his head. They were staying thus a long moment, motionless. When they were returning, Algenio was quiet, like dreaming. Adenankar then smiled to the other Eoli children. He was wearing an indigo tunic, long brown hair, lightly wavy, with sun coloured reflections. A large beard, looking like his hair, gave to his noble face much Gentleness, and his strange purple eyes radiated a sometimes mischievous Kindness.


Aurora, once learned from Mielora the gestures of the cotton, logically got interested in the following steps. From times to times Elora and Mielora were found to sort cotton together, seasoning this with Eoline stories to roll on the floor laughing, in company of birds who stayed here for a moment. What an ingenuous spectacle, chirping Eolines into their cotton, small pastel clouds and dresses the like, surrounded with shimmering feather balls, shivering under the caress. Ho, how much do they like together, the birds of Aeoliah and the Eolis! Very tenderly united, they spend together long moments of warm complicity.

Aurora began to sit down beside both Eolines while Nellio was gardening passionately. When Aurora got able to sort cotton, they had to bring her the carding brushes, and she exercised lengthily, with enthusiasm, sitting between her mother and her friend. She enjoyed to take the shaggy tufts and to make of them pretty glossy wicks, from her own hands! With each tuft she changed colour, but she mainly preferred the mauve, a soft pastel mauve iridescent with indigo. Only two seedlings of this colour were growing into the village. Fortunately, others, wild, flowered a little further close to the brook, which usually they did not collected. They went there especially for Aurora to seek a large bag, warm with sun.

Aurora saw Antonnafachto carrying a mauve carded cotton bag. What was he doing with it? Hopping merrily, she followed him into a large pumpkin, leaned against the rock, under the bush which encloses the small working place of the cotton. She could not retain a «Ho» from admiration... Along the curved, yellow-orange walls of the large room, the cotton bags were piled up carefully. As they were made of loose fabric, they shimmered with the multiple colours of cotton visible through, arranged in a rainbow, ready to be spun; a smaller heap gathered the harvest awaiting to be carded. On the free wall were hanging a whole series of carding brushes and bobbin cores.

But the most beautiful... O wonder, in the middle of the room, were standing, majestuous as thrones, four ingenious and harmonious Aeolian spinning wheels, all made of carefully polished and lacquered wood, each one of a different colour, marvellous and friendly like a merry-go-round! With, over this, the smell of raw cotton (which somewhat resembles that of fresh hay), of dried flowers and old pumpkin. The large pink curtain of the door and the windows (the translucent cuticle of the pumpkin skin, scraped from inside while avoiding tearing it) filtered the light and the external sounds: it reigned here a fresh and delicious silence, with the half-light mottled with sun. Aurora shily touched the frame of one of the wheels; it seemed ready to answer hello. From the door, Antonnafachto observed her in silence, with his friendly and mischievous smile; this unrepentant joker was, as any other Eolis, deeply respectful of privileged moments of poetic discovery and Amazement, and so he carefully avoided to break the charm with any word or gesture. He even abstained from thinking. After all, he was one of their builders, these wheels. Antonnafachto is a skilful carpenter, did you knew it?

Aurora, flabbergasted, gently left her Ali Baba cave. Then, still hopping, she joined her mother and Mielora, Antonnafachto close behind her. Taking again some cotton, she remained one moment saying nothing, and then asked Mielora to show her the wheels. Antonnafachto had a small laughter; Mielora, with a poetic mimicry of surprise, answered her readily. They went all four, and penetrated, meditative, in the soft freshness of the workshop. The Aeolian wheels do not resemble the Earth wheels at all, although they function on the same principle. Two workers must sit together on them, in front of each other, on a subtly balanced oval plate, which sways poetically at the rhythm of the gestures of the work. The wheel itself is in the middle; while one of the worker spins, the other made the pin turn quickly while pulling on an ingeniously laid out rope. And it works nicely, I tell you! In one rainy day all the bags are worked out and reels are full. In theory they work on this only when they cannot be busy outdoors. But with the insistence of Aurora, they nevertheless took one the wheels out on the place, in the sunlight, so that she may learn. They needed to call for assistance, because the wheels are heavy. As there was no purple one, Aurora choose the blue one.

Radiant, she sat with Elora on the perilous plate, and until the time of meal she merrily trained, while singing these nice songs she learned at evening gatherings. Mielora and Antonnafachto continued to card, without speaking because to learn to spin request concentration.

Really Nellio was surprised while coming back from his field, to find his nice partner radiant on this beautiful apparatus!

Aurora must have patience before knowing some more; but it is one of the Eoli's training to know how to redirect their energies.


Nellio, on his side, was interested in plants. One day it was the matter to go and seek for seeds growing in the lower part of the village, close to the brook. As long as they do not have their wings, the young Eolis move away only cautiously; there are no real paths out of the villages, since all is done by air. Nellio, Aurora, Algenio, his partner Liouna and two elder Eolis, thus went down with bags. They planned to, at the occasion of the trip, also collect the mauve cotton for Aurora.

The young Eolis discovered the brook with their body eyes. Water, they knew, since they completely wash everyday; but not yet running water like this one, where grow different plants, more exuberant, of a more profound green, and where lives a whole world of insects and pearly iridescent snails. They arrived on the bank on a small range of wet foam, large like two Earthling's hands. That was enough for the Eolis; taking off their long dresses, they plunged naked in the delicious freshness of the limpid wave. Algenio had kept on his cap, and he was letting it drift. Aurora admired the spiral drawings of a snail, while pouring water on her beautiful body with her hand.

Then they went to seek cotton, except Nellio who was looking for his seeds with Alambo. It is a plant with thick leaves which curious turpentine smell had intrigued Nellio.

«What do we do with this plant? He Asked.

-It is to make paint.»

Nellio thought about.

«Green paint?»

Alambo had a nice small laughter.

«Oh no! It is only to make some paints more fluid!»

Nellio thought he still had many things to learn.

«Nice plant with curious smell! Do you agree that I gather some of your fruits to take seeds?»

That was said with such a sincerity that we would not be astonished to hear the plant answer «Yes, readily!» while offering its branches in a gracious bow.

Nellio undertook to peel one of the dry fruits. He went to seize another one, but Alambo said that it was still too green. It remained just one ripe, but a beetle had already started it, so it was let at peace.

«That does not matter, we shall come back» said Alambo. They set out again, feeling cool from bath, with their bags full. These seeds were to be sown somewhere above the village, close to Alambo's workshop, to transport the harvest easily, because Alambo and his friends had in charge the delicate manufacturing of paints and lacquers.

What a blinking curious that this Nellio. With Aurora, he followed Alambo.

The house of Alambo was not made out of a pumpkin, but in a kind of coloured mortar which is peculiar to the Eolis. It leaned against a pinkish rock, which top was pointing above the cotton workshop. For us Earthlings it was a strange looking house, see. It was a large half-ball, with the gate in the corner, with intertwined volutes harmoniously carved, carrying along the curved windows, flowering out in leaves supporting other smaller balls with rounded windows. All these forms were blended the ones into the others without connections nor angles, with a rustic but soft finish, the whole thing merging into the hollows of the rock. It was pink, veined with orange and mauve arabesques, delicately framed with foliages and foam from rocks. That was quite a large house for a couple of Eolis!

In a small courtyard almost closed with an outcrop of rock, Landernako and Niouline, together with Elzinia, Alambo's partner, were absorbed in a strange work. They were handling containers made of bamboo tubes, such as Nellio had already seen at meal time for fruit juices, but larger, their lids adjusted with emery. Landernako, using a long stick, stirred up the liquid content of one of these tubes fixed in a hole of the ground. Elzinia and Niouline supervised, pouring from time to time some highly coloured powder from another container.

Alambo retained Nellio and Aurora with his hand, to avoid disturbing the mysterious operation. Elzinia was absorbed. Finally she said that it was good. All three stopped and turned to the newcomers, whom they merrily welcomed. Landernako and Niouline were delighted to see these Eoli children who did not often went into this part of the village. While speaking, they scraped the stick very carefully, not without allowing them to see the content of the tube: it was a beautiful blue paint, with a touch of indigo, just like Aurora liked so much. They closed the lid promptly and finished wiping the handle, not leaving any trace of paint!

Alambo took Nellio and Aurora in the house. In fact the home of Alambo and Elzinia was above the half-sphere, without any staircase to reach it: what to do with stairs, when we have wings? The large ball was a workshop, like that of cotton. But on the racks were a quantity of bamboo tubes in all sizes, some with a curious sheen, others stained with the colour they contained. A whole set of stirring rods, brushes, spatulas and other tools were harmoniously laid out along the curved walls, merrily inviting you to Creation or to Activity. Further, bags were covered with the dust of various pigments they contained. A strong and strange odour was floating, of turpentine but also of other essences unknown on Earth. The Eoli brain only records pleasant feelings, but it can perfectly distinguish what is good to eat, or poetic, of what is not. This odour did not indicated an edible, but it evoked the mysterious and undoubtedly enthralling work of painting. Nellio thus found it pleasant, without classifying it into the perfumes.

Still silent, Alambo, with a quiet and slow gesture, invited Nellio to look by the door at the far end of the workshop, closed by a translucent film. Nellio was disconcerted: this door was leading INTO the rock. There was a small cave, obscure, fresh and wet, where the smell was still stronger. Accustoming his eyes, he discovered large containers, made out of coconuts, filled up with various liquids. Painting, he thought, is a whole world!




It would need a lot of time to tell all the details of the life of the new Eolis, such as it happened happily and gently during the first years of their life. The Eolis do not have History in our meaning of this word; they enjoy a perpetual happiness which flows indefinitely. They are never blasé. This is understandable if we know that the Eolis scrupulously follow what they name the Universal Laws of Life, and that every aspect of their existence is designed according to these Laws: their brain, their spiritual body, their physical body, the very ecology of their planet which provides plenty of what is useful to support the life of all the living beings. They are nevertheless responsible and courageous beings, as we shall discover further. But evil in any form is totally absent of their world, and from their thought; it can definitively happen nothing bad on their planet, nor on any other which follows these simple and unutterable laws; in such an extend that the word «Good» itself is never used! In fact, evil as we experience it on Earth, appeared accidentally only in some small islands of the Creation, small islands which, on the incommensurable time scale of the whole Universe, can only ineluctably be all swept out by the immense tide of Goodwill which palpitates everywhere else! It will be scrupulously taken care thereafter that the conditions which allowed its appearance never reproduce again.




Thus all went perfectly fine for the Eoli «teenagers». This is a short period in their life, but extremely moving. It is the time where they find their vocation among all the activities. As we already discovered, Aurora and Nellio knew theirs early; other Eolis find it later, some even never choose and remain gleaning from one work to another, depending on their friends. It was the case with Algenio, who however showed a preference for the open skies and the greenery, like most of the Eolis. Anthelm, he, kept studying with Adenankar, all the time he did not spent into the gardens and the workshops, together with his partner Elnadjine.

Aurora could not immediately work at spinning cotton as she wished, because it was a work for time of rainy weather, and the young Eolis at time of rain go to school. While waiting, she reoriented her energy into the culture of... patience, which she missed a while. Ha, she worked it hard! I must tell you that one day, Adenankar specially went down from his forest, purposely, just to tell her the problem, with the greatest kindness, and after he turned his heels and left again toward his retreat without any other word. Aurora, red like a peony, was impossible to find all the remaining of the day. It is thus, even for these marvellous beings, there is always something to tune and to finish in their great inner chord!

The very first teaching of the Eolis is Love of every form of life, and also the Love of their planet, which they treat such as their mother. This is how everybody behaves on every serious planets. During the first sessions into the pumpkin school, the young Eolis admire many images of birds, insects and plants from other places of Aeoliah, Eolis with skin of other colours which fascinate them, one discuss lengthily their sometimes curious or exotic manners, which we cannot report in detail here. The school only improves what they live the whole day along: at time of fruit collecting or other works they involve in, they learn how to speak to the plants, to treat them with Gentleness, and in the same way with all the animals they encounter. And the young Eolis understand this naturally.

Later they are learned about the various reigns of life: minerals, bacteria, cells, plants, animals, eolis, spirits of the landscapes, angels, and also how their physical body and spiritual body work.

This double teaching, in the everyday life and in the meditation of the school, is of a very great effectiveness: the knowledge of life is at the same time fully implemented into the concrete, the gestures and the immediate intuition, but also perfectly understood in the temple of the intellect.

But before making scientists with their children, their parents and their friends in the village teach them to read and write. The language of Aeoliah is universal, and nobody may have the strange idea of sacrificing this immense advantage to modify it or to add any specific character. A page of this nice hand writing, lovely calligraphic, is a delight for the eye! It somewhat resembles the Hebrew, somewhat the Hindi. Each sound of the language is always represented by the same letter. The bases of grammar are simple, without exceptions, conjugations nor variations. Once these bases are acquired, everyone can, according to his own rhythm, discover the many special modes, the vibrations of the various calligraphies, which allows for a great subtlety of expression if needed, as well as the incredibly many styles of dropped initials, signature of each Eoline community. Inexpressible is not Eoli! One writes on pretty supports, such as glossy flower petals, and each message is a small ingenuous work of art, especially when it is a beginner child who composed it!

All the Eolis learn how to sing and they are all naturally successful. All also learn how to paint, even if they do not necessarily undertake such an activity, because it is a marvellous mean to become aware of the Poetry and of the various vibrations of the world of the emotions, which express themselves in colours and forms. Beauty and Poetry are the very basement of Aeoliah. Here again, the school only helps to become conscious, to formalise a teaching which impregnates the whole everyday life: very young, as soon as they can hold a tool, their mother learns their children to have gracious and light gestures, to undulate, to dance. Many already do so spontaneously, without having to do it purposely, because this is one of the charming effects of the beauty of the heart, of the very attention in reality and happiness. And it is really pretty, all these Eolis in ballets in their gardens! Even when they do not do this purposely, all their gestures and their mimicry are enchanted with grace, with kindness. As soon as they are able to speak, they are learned to feel if an environment or an action is poetic, comic, tender, dynamic... and to harmonise themselves with.

At the end, after the more important is acquired, the school teach them more theoretical things. Some Aeolian geography, calculation, joinery, astronomy, esotericism, and epistemology: How lucky are they, these Eolis, to study all that! Especially when they do not have any pedantry to muddle what is simple...

Nellio, still today, remembers this period with emotion. It was one of the last school meetings, into the large pumpkin. They had looked at all the images of the first scrolls, and only some remained, more theoretical. The rain began in the morning, rather heavy that time, and even before the first drops the eight cheerful mates were together in their school. Alone, as the young Eolis also learn soon how to support themselves, in order not to need any help. After a short discussion, enthusiasm went on a scroll which Aeolian name would translate pompously with «mathematics», and more nicely with «plays of logic». Algenio, now strong grown, drew it upright triumphantly, but he had to be helped to place it on the scroll holder. The beginning looked easy: to count sticks, to add; they all had already done it on other occasions. Algenio even found a means to show that two plus two equal five, by splitting a stick into two! Logic came after, the Aristotelian one should we specify, because the Eolis usually use several others, but it is however with this one that we do the best mathematics. Sometimes they passionately discussed around the scroll holder, sometimes silence found them each one in a different place with exercises. The Aeolian life with its activities does need some bases of calculation. Gradually, the day passing by, they reviewed all the bases. The next morning found them as much enthusiastic; but gradually the things got worse: the innocent looking scroll with blue flowerlets was going up to the integrals. Aurora abandoned first. It is not really essential to know about all these things when one lives in a loving and generous nature such as Aeoliah. If the others continued, it was by play, from pure intellectual curiosity. Nellio and Anthelm remained alone at the evening of the second day. Cheerful discussions were replaced with calm ones, posed and considered... They gathered some more evenings, with a light flower and the mathematics scroll. Elnadjine, Anthelm's partner, with long fair hairs in long fuzzy waves, accompanied them while knitting socks, while Aurora went involving in weaving. They came about to the end of this scroll, only to discover that there were hundreds of others as a continuation! They have some prettily strong math researchers, though, on Aeoliah. And they have all the time they want to write scrolls, on all the topics you could imagine. There are lyric or poetic ones, to entice, and others more technical, for a further look into the selected subject. Thanks to this system of scrolls in self-service, each Eoli can keep a glance on every fields of life, and is able to study what he likes, or to look further into a particular point of interest for him, as far as necessary, and when he likes to.

All these calm evenings among young Eolis resulted in a tender and immovable friendship between Nellio and Anthelm, which still exists today.

They studied together the astronomy scroll, filled with poetical descriptions and matching calculations for those who liked it. They thus learned the creation of Aeoliah, three billion years ago. Following a blaze of supernovas, a small part of an interstellar cloud appeared particularly rich in trace elements favourable to life. Many stars formed here, with planets like Aeoliah; several were elected by groups of spiritual beings to celebrate the life in its physical forms. On Aeoliah things were carried out neatly and everything was evolved and stabilised in less than five hundred million years, with all everything needed to allow for the life style they wished, especially quantity of plants producing what to eat, to build, to dress, to paint. The first Aeoliah's founders all left Aeoliah since a pretty long time, but the Aeolian civilisation still continues today without change, from heirs to heirs, conveying with each generation its cargo of wonder filled eyes, from the splendours of the universe... The most ancient Eoline chronicles, surviving from a fabulous past and thoroughly preserved by thousands of generations of copyists, speak about a quasar glowing in the Aeolian sky, with its jets and its moods, but it is extinct today. It surely was a tremendous spectacle!




* * *


The adolescence of the Eolis ends up with two significant events. The first is flight. The wings of the Eoli children are nice but inactive little embroideries. When the Eolis get tall enough, they develop, the muscles are strengthened. The desire for flying, previously a golden but remote dream, becomes a pressing urge. Hundred times per day, you can see the young Eolis, by groups of two or three or with their parents, beating the air swiftly; each time they measure the progress achieved, or help with jumps, among joy and laughers. The Eolis are proud to fly, they enjoy this very much, with a delightful feeling of freedom. Elnadjine and Aurora, who were often together, were the first to be able to fly. The six others followed them soon, except Algenio who lengthily hesitated to entrust into the air element.

The flight of the Eolis is a wonder; they owe it to their small size and the strong density of the air of Aeoliah. Otherwise their wings are small and not so much aerodynamic. It is one of the reasons why their body was created so slim, so light. Even thus they could not fly very far if there was not everywhere in nature many succulent fruits gorged with delicious sugars to regain energy. The creators of Aeoliah had to direct the evolution of the life on their planet towards light and very solid bodies. An Eoli, even unconscious, slowed down by his wings, could fall from any height without really hurting himself.

At the beginning, cautious, our young Eolis were only fluttering above the village, accompanied by friends. But as soon as their forces allowed them, they tried their first trip out, of course toward the brook: the Eolis adore bathing, and any available place on a little mountain brook is always occupied by two or three Eolis playing in the wave or allowing their hair to dry with the sun, their large dresses suspended on leaves. It is especially pleasant when they work outdoors, to go and refresh, or to wash out dust, together with some friends! It is what decided that morning our eight young Eolis. The last rain was already old, and the next was to be awaited a while. They had spent a moment digging holes for bedding plants. Thus the freshness of the wave was perfectly delicious.

A marvellous place was under a large tree with mysterious shade, mottled with sun circles. Under the tree extended, as it often happens on Aeoliah (and sometimes on Earth) a foam meadow, with a kind of forget-me-not flower, in a soft blue hue. This place favourable to run, jump and make somersaults as well as to nestle tenderly, softly joined the edge of the brook, a small limpid stretch of water, with a bottom of velvety algae. On the other bank, in the heart of the shade, grew kinds of reeds of a very dark green, with a lower growth and rounder than our Earth reeds, forming a small maze, overhung by a large bush with purple flowers. On the side of the tree, there was also foam, but sunny this time. All around were gentle upward slopes with thick grass meadows and bushes. There was no visible sign of the village. In the tree nested thousands of small very swift birds, purple, with high pitched and light songs, like a sound carpet. Several couples of white water birds with a soft and prolonged coo were nesting under the reeds, where the fresh foamy greenery was forming tunnels. In water were living snails, insects skating and circling on the surface, and kinds of orange or dark red anemones. This charming place was even more beautiful than anywhere else, all impregnated with moving Poetry and love of pure and beautiful nature. The Eolis, even if they are hard working people, enjoyed to get there from time to time, between two activities. Without telling to the young Eolis, the Eolis of the village agreed all together to let them enjoy alone this gentle place, and it really was a kind gift.

This first free Eoli flight left Elnadjine out of breath and merry, together with Anthelm. Close to the water, they nimbly took off their dresses and left them on the foam, together with the flower-hats, in a spontaneous and ingenuous composition. Anthelm and Elnadjine, coming here for the first time, hesitated to touch the water, which seamed alive for them. Nellio, Aurora and Algenio ran into the brook. They played about mirthfully, and their so beautiful laughter was more crystal-like than the song of the brook. Elnadjine had let herself float on the back, using her wings as fins. Her hair, clearer than her tanned skin, was so abundant that she floated on it. Aurora swam, Algenio and his Liouna partner played with the anemones. The water was very clean, and delicious, they could drink it straight from the brook and make provision of freshness. Algenio and Anthelm were the first to get out of there; they disappeared in exploration into the reeds. Their white inhabitants were much larger than them, with long orange beaks, like ducks. When they saw the Eolis they started to chuckle with satisfaction, and leaned their neck to be cherished. Nellio still keeps from these privileged moments a moving and very vivid memory, which he still likes to evoke today...


One moment later, calm but revivified, they had gathered all together, lying or sitting in lotus, in silence, on the foam under the large tree, among sun circles, extraordinarily receptive to the sovereign Beauty of this quiet and gentle nature, passionately abandoned to all the moving feelings it lavishly bestowed them: the memory of the freshness of the water on their shoulders, the tepidity of the sun on their naked arms and legs, the flutter of a drop, the soft sigh of their breathing, the passionate beat of their heart, the resinous scent of the moor, the music of the birds, the gurgling of the brook, the shimmer of the flowers and the infinitely blue sky to dance with joy! The remote mountains grew blurred in mauve silhouettes, as it often happens when the rain is late.

Nellio admired his body, benevolent masterpiece of the unknown creators of Aeoliah; he had passed a finger along his left arm, with matt velvety skin and gracious curves. Aurora had sat in lotus on his left side, he saw her three quarters back. Her long chestnut brown hair, quivering with purple in a sun spot, descended down to the foam with long undulations, hiding her wings and her back. She leaned, discovering a fine satin-smooth pink shoulder. Nellio had admired its contour, its smoothness, moved. She felt he was thinking to her, and half turned her to look at him, but her smile had remained suspended...

Admittedly, all the Eolis love each other with a spiritual love, as young as they are. They like to encourage the ones to the others, to help their progress, to mutually enrich the vibrations of their hearts, and from this they all get an inexhaustible happiness. From time of birth and sometimes quite before, they can know who will be partner or companion of whom, and that always show true. But, and here comes the second great achievement in their adolescence, when wings grow to the young Eolis lost in marvellous feelings, love extends into other registers.


Quite simply.

And Aurora and Nellio, for a glance, passionately fell in love.

With the passing days, following the thread of together work and sun and foam baths.

The wise Anthelm and the splendid Elnadjine tied a great love affair. These new souls had never met before Aeoliah. They were so lucky to live that.

Algenio and Liouna were also in love, but Algenio, very intimidated, took a long time to act in consequence. Liouna kindly awaited for him...

Elsignor and Elsigna, gradually concretized an aspiration which inhabited their heart since eternity.

The Eolis are naturally very tender, and this since their early childhood. Already among simple friends, and even with unknown people, they use to cherish hair and hands. The Eoli body is very clean and scented, warm and gentle to get close. The Eoli love is pure and poetic in all its registers.



The new lovers often returned to this foam meadow, now disappeared, carried away by erosion which recreated it elsewhere. But it is from that place that Nellio keeps a moving memory. He recollects the first time he cherished the long hair of Aurora, his heart beating to break, his cheeks burning hot, and her still more moved. The beginner Eoli lovers are often of a great shyness! He could not show his emotion, but he knew that she picked him up, and that he knew that she knew, etc. Telepathy in love make things deliciously complicated!


The new Eolis couples built their houses. Nellio and Aurora had already planted the seed which was to give a small pink pumpkin, just below the terrace of the cotton, and they planted indigo flowers so that they covered it. They dug the interior of the pumpkin in a round room like a nest, with an oval bed covered with flower petals. That is enough for most Eolis whose accommodation needs are quite modest. Alambo the painter helped Nellio to varnish the pumpkin so that it can last longer, and they also painted the interior in pink.

Anthelm and Elnadjine retrieved a long marrow which had been used as a storage for the school; it still had a pleasant smell of paint and children. It was dug in two rooms, worked while following the external form. The rear was naturally their nest. Anthelm wished to have a room to study, so he used the front one. Many petals had been used for the children to exercise in writing, and nobody had the heart to discard them to the compost: even the failures were so nice! Elnadjine made curtains of them, by harmonising the various colours.

Elsignor and Elsigna also built a very small love nest, but they did not painted the interior, liking the peach colour and the grain of the pumpkin flesh.

Algenio and Liouna installed their close to their cultivations. Thus they could hear them growing at night.

Nellio full-heartedly carried out the painting of the interior of his pumpkin. Alambo learned to him various techniques: to do shading by scraping a special brush, thus projecting fine droplets on the wall. A kind of airbrush... Aurora would love to see the delicate shading from pink to purple, up to the indigo ceiling, her adored colour. He painted stars on it. Nellio thus prepared the surprise, but he was surprised first, at time to move in! He was madly in love and really very moved. What a happiness, but also what a shyness! Came the day when all was ready. Aurora had completed the bedspread, her own surprise. (It is very difficult to make surprises, when we are connected the one to the other through telepathy!) The paint was dry three times more than one. Nellio did not had any more excuse: He had nothing else to do than to go and to seek Aurora. He hesitated lengthily, deliciously paralysed, his heart beating wildly. He circumvented and turned over on his path. Finally he reached the cotton working place where Aurora awaited him with her mother Elora and others Eolis, sorting and carding a beautiful cotton orange like the joy. In fact Aurora, fiddling the same wick for three days, had her mind very far from her work! Half mumbling, he managed to call her:


- Yes? She uttered with a nice wrong note.

- He well eeh...»

The others Eolis were doing as if nothing special was going on, but they listened, delighted, a so moving conversation, without missing a bit of it...

«It is the house, see you, it is eerr... finished.»

Aurora jumped merrily on her feet, but fell down on her nice back so much she trembled.

«It is very nice... we shall go... And I also have a surprise!»

They had to go first at Aurora mother's house, Elora, to take the bag. Then, trotting with it, they approached their new house. Elora did not follow them, and nobody else. This great moment was entirely theirs. They stood on the threshold of their house, happily enjoying the suave scent of the flowers which already covered it. It was the end of the afternoon. Aurora entered first, alone, with the bag. She did not said anything, did not exclaimed. But Nellio felt her joy and amazement in his mind. He heard some tidying sounds. She went out, funnily holding the empty bag on her shoulder, radiant, more beautiful than he had never seen her. Entering in turn, he saw the mauve bedspread, with a main pattern resembling the Celtic triskel, and ornaments of an unexpected complexity. The room had remained physically identical, but the short glance of Aurora had changed everything, all impregnated with tender feelings, all transfigured. Nellio also remained quiet, but Aurora also knew his emotion.

But the best was still to come.

The evening, each clinging the hand of the other, they felt suddenly unable to await for the night to go to sleep in their new house. They did not went to sing in the village among the mauve shades with their friends. The red light at the top of the Evening Mountain was palpitating friendly in the pinks of the sunset, while at the East the ring started to appear. They stood for some time on the threshold of their home, mutually admiring their so beautiful bodies. Aurora had her mauve dress, her long chestnut brown hair undulating in mass on each side, her simple and round face shining with happiness, surrounded with mauve rays from the petals of her cap, halo in flower. A strong and delicious perfume emanated from her, which Nellio never noticed before. Their two hearts were beating strongly, in unison.

Nellio was also dressed in mauve, just a little more pink, his hair and beard of the same colour as those of his partner, but shorter, forming like rollers on each side, like in the Earth seventeenth century style. They cherished each other their hair, filled with gratitude toward the creators who gifted them with these soft and scented bodies, matt and warm skin under the rustic fabric... This sacred moment, they had awaited it much, but without haste. Now, the desire to get closer was becoming a violent urge, without them yet understanding why.

When the advanced night did not let them see anything more than silhouettes, they entered their pink and violet house. The mattress of their bed, out of cotton flocks, was just laid on the ground. They had made it in hollow because they had some idea that it would be pleasant, while sleeping, to snuggle together... Absolutely not expecting what was awaiting them! Their parents and their friends had been of an absolute discretion: Aurora and Nellio, like all the young Eolis, were completely ignorant of what is Love at night, and thus they were completely free to discover themselves any Love plays they would enjoy, and to heed the calls of their bodies and hearts. What a marvellous gift! A dazzling surprise, a blazing fire which submerged them suddenly, an overcoming pleasure which they fully enjoyed in all its divine plenitude...



The Gardens of Aeoliah

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