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Stranded on Earth

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Chapter 9

Ready for test.

To say that Brigitte is happy with her new life would be an euphemism. She is in a dream. She is in heaven. At last she found people who work to be aware, like her, and who even know more than she does!

Like all the honeymoons, the one with Frédérique is very pleasant. Ah! She even not thought at finding a lover any more. But here is one! And what a lover! Ardent and passionate!

The day, she is active in the garden and in the house: the later is somewhat decrepit, so some fixes are needed. Brigitte is a talented handywoman. Frédérique does not have enough time, entirely to his abundant mail from people who ask him for advice about their health, their karma, their sexuality. He had build a bit of a notoriety in the spiritual milieu, and a permanent advertising in some New Age newspapers earns him a modest but steady clientele (because of course his «advice» are not free!).

She goes with him in long passionate discussions about UFOs, Atlanteans, and the like. Frédérique tells many details of his past lives among the Atlanteans, and even he met Jesus, who incidentally did not impressed him so much. He speaks of Jesus as of somebody slightly grandiloquent, a bit naive, more driven by events than really mastering his project.

Frédérique also tells Brigitte the stories of his customers (he says «advice seekers» but we understand). Often his advices seem to revolve around sexuality, that he considers as very important: is it not this the Primordial Energy? The Creative Force? After him, God himself is enlisted! He puts lingams and yonis everywhere, priapes and mandorles. And it is that the dude is not content with theory alone! Evening and morning he does his practical work, which does not displeases Brigitte, quite receptive, did you expected this?

Still, Frédérique's mail is not enough to make an income, and from time to time he is absent, to work for a travel agency, as a guide or animator in luxury private cruises. Brigitte would like to follow him, but he replies that this is not possible. Caribbeans, Greece, Egypt resonate in her ears as of so many wonders to discover...

In the village, people are smiling and distant in the same time. Of course they are from the old world, and Brigitte imputes this distance on the usual prejudices, mistrust, and that Frédérique and her are not married. In fact the inhabitants of this village are used to the idea of these people who live in a couple without passing first by the town hall or by the church. For Frédérique especially they are used to it... For long ago. Hence the distance. Little by little, however, seeing that Brigitte is a good person, they will come closer.

As for Peyreblanque... Brigitte misses no opportunity to visit them. Frédérique lets her go, at least in the beginning. Sometimes he even brings her. Fortunately, because walking is still long, and somewhat unreliable with the autumn rains. She feels good, and she helps in various activities. There is a garden at Frederique's home, but it is small, and flanked with hideous huts where a neighbour piles up unfortunate rabbits who languish in the dirt, waiting for the knife which will end their tragic existence. Ah! The elders are not all wise like her Grand Mother!

Instead, Peyreblanque's gardens are vast, still partly virgin and full of possibilities. With the money of the sessions, Gérard was able to buy materials for the meditation room, where a scaffolding started to rise. Not fast, because there is so much things to do! This year again Marc and Yolande have to go down to town to give classes, otherwise there would be no food for everybody in Peyreblanque. Marc must also take his job back: they had to finish paying the beautiful villa in hire-purchase. Another two years to be tied to it. Anita stays a little, but will also have to leave for sick parents.

Marc and Yolande gone, the mood changes. Hélène, and especially Gerard, are so much patient. They are both perfectly sincere with a heart great like that, but... To her surprise, Brigitte quickly understands that, without saying it openly, they strongly dislike Frédérique. When he arrives, the reception is silent, cold. Only when he leaves, leaving Brigitte alone with them, does Gérard's innate good mood regain the upper hand. Even the children leave to their small community school or cottage in the garden when he is here. Especially the little Simone, eight years old, runs fast as soon as he arrives, without a word, the eyes elsewhere, lips pressed together. Frédérique does as if she was not there. Brigitte is lost in conjectures on the causes of this mistrust, which at times looks like a cold war. What can they reproach to Frederique, who seems so sympathetic and so learned? Why such a disdain? And above all, why not to tell her why once and for all?

Fortunately Frédérique's long absences (often three weeks) leave Brigitte as many opportunities to be herself, and to stay in Peyreblanque. Here, everything happens as well as possible, despite Gerard's impatience and Hélène's disorder, which sometimes make sparks. But among people of good will, we do not scramble for so little. This is because in Peyreblanque, everyone sincerely shares the same ideal of Harmony, and everyone can see, over the years, that others are making real efforts to improve the wrong in their behaviour. These two conditions together exclude any real reason for disagreement. Progress is never as fast as we would like it to be, but it is there, visible, in action and not just in statements.

Brigitte herself feels compelled to make efforts. Did not she went angry with all her ecologist friends, by asking them more than they were ready to progress? She even suddenly feels the energy to write them a letter. She owes them that, because her sudden departure must have surprised them! No doubt she will never see them again.

She receives a response from Monique, a little disconcerting. «Dear Brigitte, little sister, we all are very happy to hear from you. Marc told us that you were with Frédérique and this is a good thing, because Frédérique is an extraordinary guy, well versed in all psychological things , and very realistic in the same time. Our paths are diverging no doubt, but it is without regrets, because it is good that you found your way. We, here, unfortunately I must say that you were right to raise alarm for all these problems! You left to the sun, but them, the problems, they remained, and with time they swell and become harder and harder, more and more difficult to apprehend. I even come to fear for the future of our little group! Ah! Little Cassandra, I wish we listened to your remarks, not always pleasant but so true! Fortunately there are the relaxation evenings with Marc and especially Yolande, who is a real fairy, so sweet! She so discreet that we did not even pay attention to her. For my part, I do not feel ready to follow you in your spiritual things, but as you know I am very tolerant (Oh yes, Brigitte thinks) and I am glad that you live your life. Receive our friendships from everyone, Monique.» At this reading, a little sadness passes in Brigitte's heart. Monique, so kind, in a moment of moving lucidity which still refuses to become awareness... All these good times spent together, this friendship... From the past now. And that filthy E... who must be doing his dirty work! Ah yes, the problems «swell»... Well, sure they do. A moment, Brigitte wants to answer Monique, to tell her everything. But would that be of any help? Would they just call her paranoid? She wrote the letter, but never sent it. As if she were ashamed to tell the truth.


Brigitte shares Peyreblanque's meditative work, and when she is with Frédérique, she continues her meditations at the same hours. They typically relax. Relaxing the physical body, lots of books explain how to do it. Relaxing the mind is less known. Beginners, to practice, can see a lake, very pretty, all blue, in a wonderful landscape, flooded with Sun. Emotions, parasitic thoughts are waves which stir the surface. The waves calm down, dissipate... leaving only the transparency of the water, which then reveals unsuspected treasures in its depths...

Meditation is a state of higher consciousness, where eternal truths and things of the Spirit are more easily understood. Meditation is a completely natural state. If it is not yet the common lot, it is because the evolution of mankind not yet succeeded in controlling it. So you have to learn to meditate, with special exercises.

One of the first exercises, taught in Yoga, is known as the mental void. In fact it is not a matter of making a complete emptiness in one's mind (this is possible, but difficult) but rather to cut off all attachment to the thoughts which constantly pass in our head. To consider them as phenomena, things which happen, to which we must not attach importance, not even attach to their disappearance. One of the purposes of this training is not to be overwhelm by attractive thoughts, or not to be caught in thoughts which provoke anger, for example. When we get there, we are then, and only then, free to be ourselves, inside and outside.


The people of Peyreblanque also do visualizations. This is easy: to represent in our mind a better world, a world in harmony with the universe, a world of gentleness and poetry. They do meditation sessions, one of them describing such a paradise landscape. Some nights, they talk together at random about this better world, each taking out his idea, building on the other's proposals! These are wonderful moments of complicity!


Gerard would like to make a directory of all the useful activities for a better world. Admittedly, there already are such directories, but they are catch-all, mixing the serious and the without ideal. Gerard would like a basic agreement on a set of values: vegetarian practice, getting rid of tobacco and the like, spiritual work, non-violence, community, ecology, harmony and poetry, an economy where mutual help would replace money...


Hélène paints her visions, as a beginner. Yolande too, but not so much: the holidays cut off with sessions do not leave enough time for her. Hélène uses pastels, pure hues of the rainbow, without ever mixing grey or black, just in need some warm browns. She intends to involve more seriously when the youngest child will give her more time. Yolande has, surprise, an energic style and a very sure pencil stroke, while Hélène is in an impressionism full of Sweetness and light.


These wonderful visualizations lead to another work, which they are just starting. To raise their vibrations! Let us remember, friends readers, that this word «vibration» is not about any abstruse parapsychological phenomenon, but simply an atmosphere, a quality of being, just beyond sensations, or what remains when their intensity has passed. Vibrations are of a great importance in the world of the spirit, they are in a way the landscapes, and in the spiritual worlds our bodies are made of vibrations and not of matter. Some people have misled and ridiculed this word, as always when fashion takes hold of something without knowing what it is. And it is very sad for these people, because they thus deprive themselves of something essential to their happiness. In fact, if this word was popularized by the Hippies, it was already used at the beginning of the 20th century by some artists and spiritualists, and its inventor is Kandinsky, one of the first abstract painters. Despite the discredit cast on it, I keep it, because apart from the too vague «atmosphere», there is no real synonym for a reality of the highest importance... Maybe some day someone will create a more precise and evocative term, unless an authority of language succeeds in effectively protecting our so essential heritage of communication against those who dirty or destroy it.

The bad vibrations are the dirty colours, bad smells, violence, caricatures, vices, pornography, puritanism, noise... The good vibrations are the perfumes and pure colours, flowers, Poetry, Harmony, Peace, Love and all the good feelings... The smells of humus or bread, the colours of wood or skin, without being angelic, are as beautiful in their own way, but on a lower tone than the previous ones.

Our emotions themselves are perhaps also a category of vibration, just more dense. So, an Human seeing the colour red is fundamentally different from a robot which detects the information as what something is red: this robot will never have the sensation of the red. The perception of vibrations as well as sensations is the strict appanage of consciousness, whether it is embodied in a physical world or free in the mind worlds.

An evocative image about vibrations is that it goes as with radio: we enter into communication when we are tuned in the same frequency... This is a fundamental law of the Spirit! If someone offers us joy, then we more easily open to positive and constructive thoughts. If one is angry, one will open oneself to thoughts of hate or pessimism. We also get the same unpleasant result, without being angry, but simply by mimicking the anger... Yes. This is the reason why the Catholic Church once banned secular theatre, while promoting «Mysteries», staging of the life of Jesus or the Saints... This was of great benefit to those who assimilated themselves to these great beings, even if only for the time of a representation. If we are on a high vibration, then life will be high for us, the people we meet, the books we discover... After death, we are attracted by the kind of universe matching our vibration. Hence the real need to be on a good one, because the retribution is automatic and absolutely unstoppable.

Visualizations are an excellent exercise to raise your vibration rate, but not the only one. Body cleanliness, order, exercises in everyday life to detect bad feelings and replace them with good ones, exercises to make of life an artistic creation... Regularly Hélène airs the rooms of their big house, even the unused ones, even if it is cold, and leaves a fabric patch soaked with floral essential oils: passion fruit, rose, violet... Over the years, the walls of the old farmhouse are impregnated with an indefinable and sweet scent.

Sometimes they also meet for kinds of dances, playing the gestures of everyday life, so as to make them poetic, to live them as a game, a joy, a sharing of Love. Although these sessions are always a treat, they only do them... from time to time, because, it must be said, a thousand pretexts constantly interfere to make forget them. Not to mention that only one anger bout can cut their energy for more than a month. Ah, how difficult it is to row against the general current, in the heavy Earth's egregore...

And how they have merit, the ones who succeed.

Or at least who persevere.

Fortunately, there is music, with its strength, its power of evocation. Brigitte finally discovers all these unknown titles she saw in Marc and Yolande's home. Privileged! At that time hardly more than a few hundred people were to know these musics, which had to be ordered directly from California, or copied from friends. At the time of writing, they start to be distributed in France, with the usual delay, drop by drop, or in circuits carefully kept in a fringe out of the mainstream distribution.

What wonders! How everything else seems dull, flat! There is Aeoliah, whose name echoes curiously in the memory of Brigitte, and especially Iasos, whose wonderful synthesizer takes us into strange spaces of unknown colours, populated with angels and ineffable beings... For hours, Brigitte meditates and dreams, in a backdrop of music of the angels...

Music has the power to make us communicate each with its vibration, and this power can be very great, provided you really listen without chatting. (Starting a record and chatting over it is a real insult to the artist, and a serious prejudice for the listener, because such abused music loses all its magical power, leaving only sounds. No need to pay so much for them, if is only for that...). Well-chosen music can be a powerful source of inspiration, awakening, while giving us access to higher, angelic vibrations, such as the music of Iasos. On the other hand, the horrible anti-musics imposed on us in some shops are extremely dangerous... Especially for people who do not realize that they are bad, and let these disgusting vibrations of despair and darkness creep into their psyche. And then wonder why suicides are increasing since 1980...

Food is also of a great importance. Flowers and fruits (fresh or in juice) bring a sunny, heavenly vibration, while cereals and vegetables are more earthly. Certain cheeses, refined oils, and especially meat, fish and wine, appear to us as disgusting vibration when we have purified ourselves. This is due to the toxins they contain, which our body instinctively rejects. And if Islam has banned pork (but without being able to be vegetarian as the Prophet wanted) it is because of the particularly dirty vibration of this meat, which already stank the streets of Rome during the time of decadence.

What greatly surprises Brigitte in Peyreblanque, it is the greatest seriousness brought into the meetings. At least during the presence of Marc and Yolande, because Gerard and Hélène have to deal with their children, and often only one of them participates. Sometimes Simone joins them. Anita is always there, as long as she is present in the mas. The daily meeting takes place right after the evening meal, which has been neatly tidied. So that everyone participates in the household! And merrily, even with the children who are resourceful and already awake to the spirit of mutual aid. Never has household work been presented to them as a chore or a punishment, so they do it like a game!

Then, once everybody is ready, they change clothes, putting nice ones. They meet together in the common room, in silence. Then they go in a single file, walking calmly and silently, to the room which serves as a temple (while waiting for better). The ones who opens the walk pushes the door of the antechamber painted in indigo blue. Everyone enters, in the utmost silence, and then closes the first door. Opening the second, they enter the temple, also painted in indigo. Here, contrary to all traditions, there is no choir, the altar is in the centre, consisting of a simple low rounded table, placed on a round straw mat, and covered with a white tablecloth. A red candle lamp burns permanently. Still in silence, the line wraps itself in a circle around the table, and everyone takes his place on the meditation mats, unfortunately rather close to each other. They light a scented candle, they sing together the mantra OM, or sometimes another, and after a silence the person who will lead the meditation speaks, very gently. In the end, it is also in silence that they shut down the candle (without blowing on it), then they come out and everyone returns to his activities. For the exit of the temple must not mean that we fall back into routine: this state of consciousness must be able to continue afterwards without immediately dissipating into mundane thoughts.

This carefully respected ritual greatly impressed Brigitte the first time she was invited. With a beating heart, she felt herself entering a new world, indigo, and being initiated (this is the word which went in her mind) to the true life of the Spirit. And also to the magic which emerges from these ceremonies, their power of cohesion...

To attend meetings is not mandatory to stay in Peyreblanque. Some people are not ready, and there is no need to force them. But magic has its power: hostile or untimely visitors do not loiter for long in Peyreblanque.

It works very well as long as Yolande and Marc are there. They certainly already did that in previous lives, and Yolande feels things. But when Gerard and Hélène are alone they have to struggle. They have children, that they have to put at sleep before. When this is done, it is their turn to be sleepy. They are quite ordinary people, supported only by the flame of their ideal. Gerard is very fond of meditation work, sometimes a little too much with some people. Hélène, on the contrary, is the incarnated gentleness. But she would rather be shy with the visitors. What do you expect, so much hearing that gentleness is weakness, they end up being so...

Gerard asks Brigitte to make school for his children. Astonished not to see them in the village school, she asks him first if it is legal, when school is mandatory. To her surprise, he replies: «Perfectly, it's legal. It is the instruction which is mandatory, not the school! And you realize, if they had to go ten kilometres every day, plus the non-vegetarian canteen, all the problems! No, they are much better here. We do as we want. Oh, of course, we are checked from time to time by Inspectors of the Education Nationale, to see if they really work, if they have results. This is normal, otherwise there would be abuses. In fact the inspectors we have here are open minded, they do not seek to criticize our methods and they leave us free of our pedagogy, as long as the children progress.

- Ah! But I did not knew all these things.

- We do not want to stuff them, nor to make of them eggheads unable to drive a nail. We want to make them healthy and balanced, happy to live and positive for humanity.

- Ah! And you make them Steiner pedagogy?

- You know that?

- Yes, we saw them in the ecology group.

- Yes, but we do not want to be limited to a system, as good as it is. There is a lot of value in Montessori, Aurobindo, and also a lot to take or leave with Freinet, Summerhill... And also in our own intuition. Often with our children, things happened which were not described in any book. We had to improvise, make ourselves sensitive. One day, no doubt, I will also write a book. What I would like is not to create one more system, but a science of education which is open to novelty, while remaining on a very solid spiritual and practical basis.

- Yes, that would be interesting.»

Suddenly the children arrive, filling the room with their happy presence.

«Dad! Brigitte! Come see how we arranged our house!

- Let's go see, kids, the Sun is back now.»

The children also went to get Hélène and Anita, and this makes a happy procession trotting to the rhythm of Joël, five years old. The third child is Fabien, seven years old.

They go around the garden (which is an old sheep pen, partly surrounded with a wall of dry stones) and arrive in the hollow, near the large oaks, on the way to the source.

Brigitte, upon her first arrival at Peyreblanque, had an apprehension while hearing about a hut. She remembered the ugly dump covered with old bumpy rusty steel sheets, named this way in the home of N., the fake ecologist who assaulted her because she was not drinking wine. But nothing such here. It is a kind of clay igloo, covered with a layer of cement, so that the rain does not dissolve it. But what cement! No grey concrete or stiff formwork! White cement instead. Then Gerard had smoothed it with a curved trowel built on purpose. Then Simone had immediately washed the fresh cement with a white cement milk, dyed blue with a special dye (metal oxide, in building material stores) and the result is a jewel, a small blue egg with darker stains, of an incredible charm, standing in the grass like a mushroom or dwarves house. The children had patiently carried gravel for the entrance, and sowed flowers in front. They had carefully removed all the cement wastes around, so the tall grasses had quickly grown again, perfectly integrating the poetic construction in the surrounding nature. Oh, it is very small, Simone barely passes through the door, and clumsy (an unfortunate crack had to be sealed with soft putty) but it is breathtakingly beautiful, with very few means. Brigitte, at this sight, had a flash of emotion... These are the houses of the future! A certainty which contributed a lot to make her in love with Peyreblanque and its vast ideal...

Currently, the children, alone, had weeded out a small corner in front, and transplanted red flowers all along the little path, a few meters long, leading ostensibly to their home from the path to the source. They are proud of their work! It is a surprise to their parents, who in turn are overflowing with joy!

What these children did is really pretty, and Brigitte, thoughtful, enjoys with delight their simple and naive enthusiasm...

Then she realizes that she just witnessed a scene, for her natural, but which for others would seem like a miracle: children themselves having an initiative, and who take care of it completely, until its realization, in a good mood, assuming all the technical aspects correctly... These children will go far!

After the sweet hugging, Gerard resumes his explanations: «Now the weather is nice, they play in nature or in the garden. They only go to school when it is raining, this is enough. Children are made to play in nature, to run and to be active!

- Of course! They are happier like that.

- But there is another more important reason.

- Which?

- It is a little known thing. When I arrived here, I mingled repairing a corner of the mas which had collapsed. What a work! Unbelievable! I spent weeks there, and again with the concrete mixer and all, for an unfortunate little bit of a wall. And then I realized: the huge mass of the whole mas! All these heavy stones heavy as heck, that they had to lug around with mules, raise by hand, and all that! More to carve stones, burn tons of lime on a wood fire, and everything! An incredible job!

- They had time.

- Ooooh not sure: they had to grow the crops, take care of the animals and everything. Animal husbandry too, it's a slavery, several hours every day, including holidays, and no way to repell the work to the next day. And once a construction started, they had to finish it. But there is better, in America, the canyon Chaco, or what the Romans did, and all that!

- What is your point?

- Well, our ancestors had a physical strength, an endurance far greater than ours. Today, most people do not know how to run more than a mile, or carry more than some small bricks.

- The race has degenerated, with all the modern stuff.

- Genes can not be lost in two generations only. There is another explanation.

- Which?

- I searched for a moment, and I found a convincing one. The most curious thing is that all the elements are in the most classical medical books, and even in popular magazines accessible to the general public. But no one seems to get the connection. It is simply that the human body develops its capabilities by putting them at work. For physical strength and endurance, it is during childhood. At ten or twelve, everything is done. A kid running, working with his hands, his muscles, will make a strong adult, enduring, able to carry out exhausting tasks. But kids who spent their childhood sitting, will become encrusted, assisted, even slackers, parasites. It has come to such a point that even the army has problems now, with the conscripts.

- It is incredible!

- Look at the Roman legionaries, they were almost vegetarian, with their food made from freshly ground wheat. (Freshly ground, I mean, this detail is important) They had incredible strength and stamina. The people who built this house also ate mostly grain, but also pig, wine. In spite of these two vices, they were stronger and more resistant than us, who are quite incapable of imitating them. What made people degenerate is of course a lot the white bread and white sugar, meat and canned food, but it's mostly about spending most of their childhood in school sitting all day long! And as if this was not enough, the TV came over there to suck out the few remaining hours of life! Passive, the kids, spectators of a life they even not thought by themselves! Stuffed with pop-corns and sardine cans! So without exercise, the tendons of the muscles, the bone apophysis are not formed, the skeleton remains weak, metabolism and digestion lazy, inefficient, wasteful. The muscles are weak, stamina is insufficient, and they have to eat a lot... And when adult, it is far too late to fix this.

- But we can do bodybuilding...

- Yes, but it gives false athletes who have back problems, muscle breakdowns or even tendon tearing. Go see in a gym school, what are they talking about!

- Yes...

- The muscles are swelling, but the rest does not follow, can never follows. Their skeleton, their tendons do not support their artificial strength! Their metabolism betrays them. Peaks of power, but not weeks of heavy work. And at forty they are cooked. The true endurance of the champions, such as the great cyclists, or the guys who built this mas, are those who, from childhood, work and have outdoor activities, run, move, ride a bike, dig their garden... and especially who like it!

- But the food still matters: you said the other day that the cycling champions, Zatopek, Faustocopi and all, they all are vegetarians.

- Yes, of course, all things being equal, vegetarians have more stamina. But we must also see that there are no accountants or mathematicians among sport champions. Even if the people who built this house ate meat and drank wine, they had a much more active childhood than we did, which made them much more effective. Imagine those who were vegetarians! As in antiquity, the Egyptians, the Romans, and others, the colossal works they accomplished! Yes, we always wondered how they achieved so much and so much work, build these gigantic pyramids, lugged millions of several tons slabs and so on. Yet it's simple: Imagine a farming people, who work six months in their fields, and during the floods of the Nile, the other six months, where they cannot access their fields, they are hundreds of thousands, needing only some grain and a tent, all fully available for the largest public works, without ever getting tired!


- And it is not the few sport at school which will change much of the current situation. Their sport is nothing more than what they see in the TV. Only image, no vibration, no contact with the forces of nature. Their very body is outside of them! How to breathe in heated rooms where there is no prana? How to progress in gym sessions where we have a total of five minutes of effort, the rest of the time spent timing the others? What we need is what our body was designed to for millions of years: air, sun, water, activity useful to life, rubbing with the humus, smell the wet leaves, lie down in the wild grass, lift trunks, stones, do not be afraid of dust on the skin or dirt on the buttocks, grab tools, take the material with your hands, to make something of it...

- But they will never have the time, in their school of the old world!

- This is the trouble, today: we are obliged, from childhood, to make irreversible choices and sacrifices. Sacrifice the body to the intellect, or the opposite, sacrifice science to manual labour...

- Sacrifice the heart to intellectual studies, I know something! I would have done better farming or music, it would have been more useful.

- Yes, you saw it! What I want is that my children can develop harmoniously, in all the areas. That they are able to work with their hands, to live pleasantly in their bodies, to feel Poetry, to calculate and to conceive too, of course... For calculation, for example, they seem late compared to other children but when they do, when they really want to learn something, they spend infinitely less time there. It seems to be much more effective to do lots of other physical activities in the meantime, than to always be on the same thing for hours every day.

- They can never be the firsts in all areas at once.

- The firsts? What do we have to bray with that? What I want is for them to be free to choose for themselves, and to have the means to live their choices, whatever they may be, without becoming specialists unable to do anything outside of a narrow field. What the heck, we are not termites! So what we do is simple: when the weather is nice, children go outside, they work in the garden, or play, or make nature tours, especially with Hélène who teaches them the poetry of flowers and birds.

- It works?

- Perfectly fine. Fabien at three years already spoke of poetic' or not poetic'.

- Not from himself, still?

- Not really, of course, but he was doing no mistake. Everything shows that he actually felt it, but without our intervention, he would probably pay no attention and miss it. For Joel it was harder, he was turbulent and whiny. But Hélène is a fairy and she knew how to do it...

- Ah!

She brings him into nature, and shows him the flowers. He often tore them off, something which was never shown to him before. Now he has learned to respect them. She made him to smell them, and he is very happy to know their name. He must have had a terrible past because while being a baby he was making grimaces and he is still angry or he wants all the toys for him.

- We can say, the previous lives, it matters.

- Yes, but we can get out of their bad influences, provided we do not just just follow the slope! Education is a patient work of construction, sometimes even of reconstruction of what was formerly broken...

- When the weather is rainy or snowy, and we cannot go out, we stay inside, at school. You saw their school...

- It is beautiful...

- Yes, there is a corner for school work, and others for painting, games, modelling... You saw how Simone paints well already!

- Yes, it's really for a better world!

- It started with the dome, which inspirited her. The dome, at first, it was an idea of Hélène, but Simone was immediately connected, and since she sees only in rounded shapes for the houses!

- Beautiful past lives!

- Or a will to progress, to create, who knows? New stuff being created, not necessarily old one which comes out. Yolande often has intuitions about our children, but always immediate and practical things for their education. She never received anything about their previous lives or stuff like that.

- Frederique remembers them well, him, and easily.

- Frédérique? Says Gérard with a pout. Frédérique, it's a special case, him. I'm going back to the garden, there still are the big sprouts to weed out. Do you want to stay with the kids at their hut? They are so happy with you!» Gerard said, while leaving without letting ther time to answer.

This is what is called to be chucked out. Still this distance with Frédérique! Despite all his beautiful discussions, Gerard is starting to annoy Brigitte. What is he reproaching to Frédérique? Why he is not speaking of it? Because he his not clear in his conscience?

For Brigitte, Frédérique embodies an ideal: more than a lover, a kind of master. Reliving his past lives, he at least knows how to do it. This is not within reach of everybody. He knows a lot of people, has senior friends in the administration. He received initiations, he gave them too. He travelled to India, Nepal, all places where the Spirit breathes freely. He knows a lot of things. He has a certain ascendancy over Brigitte.

From this situation, Brigitte conceives a bitterness against the people of Peyreblanque. After all, they are not so advanced than Frédérique. They have some mistrust about sexual matters while Frédérique has long ago «transcended» them, as he says. She finally realizes that Frédérique never stays in Peyreblanque for more than some minutes, barely entering the common room. But she would still like to know what is the matter, since he neither gave any explanation to her.

In reality, the people of Peyreblanque say nothing to Brigitte, and they will say nothing. They long ago understood Frédérique's true personality. They call it in private Tartuffe Ananda, in the fashion of those who give themselves Hindu names to look spiritual. They watched helplessly as Brigitte was captured in his net. Whatever they say, she would not believe them, and may even get angry with them. Yolande warned them: it is a karmic problem between Brigitte and Frédérique. Following a previous life... She perfectly perceives them, when it is useful! There is a knot between them, an unnatural knot that only Brigitte can undo. They can not intervene in this situation, for fear of just bringing further confusion, only to delay the outcome. It is difficult for those of Peyreblanque, especially for the fiery Gerard, who feels an holy horror of all the schemanigans and secretiveness. How he wants to send to the devil this Frédérique who defiles and muddles everything! For Hélène it is not easy either. For her who wants to live in Poetry, it is as if she had a gigantic tin can in her garden...

So the Peyreblanque team, all together in the same time, meditates and prays for Brigitte. Without telling her. Marc and Yolande do it in town with some friends from the yoga group, and even a member of the ecology group. Hélène, Gérard and Anita do it in the mas, and sometimes Simone. This is not the first time that they joined together in this way, to help a person in some dangerous passage. But for Brigitte, they notice something curious: it is much easier for them to focus on the good energy, as if a large group was doing the same thing in the same time as them, with the perfectly collimated strength of thousands of people at least! Gerard, a rather ordinary human being, was deeply impressed to feel so supported by some unknown mystical power, but very effective...

Of course, Brigitte is, in a way, part of their family, and as such they take care of her. But they also have the inexplicable feeling of an important stake around her. Of all this, they only speak in her absence, in a very small circle, where even children have no access. You never know, they can repeat.

Brigitte, all to her adoration for Frédérique, does not realize that, little by little, he is taking all her life. As the time of this superior being is very precious, she must cook for him. And without salt, because the salt contains sodium and chlorine, both dangerous toxic. (Note of the author: I am not inventing, I was really told this nonsense) For Brigitte, the choice is simple: to renounce the taste of salt, or to bear the sermon at each meal. She must cultivate the garden, wash all his linen, by hand because washing machines pollute (Although they pollute much less than slavery!). She still has to listen to long monologues on the world which is hidden in the centre of the hollow Earth and from which of course all the UFOs come, or against the scientists who are all narrow-minded idiots. She must paint and repair the house, and now, when he is absent, he gives her long lists of work to do, instead of going to Peyreblanque. And he looks so devastated if it is not done in time for the appointment... Because, from time to time, Frédérique receives weird visitors, who must be treated with the greatest deference. Once he even sent Brigitte to walk in the village under the rain, in order «not to be disturbed» because he gives an «initiation» to a bloke with a particle name, who looks at her from very high, as if she was only a kind of maid. This «initiation» probably did not worked well, because when coming back Brigitte finds the bloke still full of morgue. But Frédérique specifies that his work has a subtle effect «in the spiritual». Ah! this is a scientist, this Frédérique.

What does Brigitte think of all this? That she is lucky to be in love with such a being, so learned, so talented, so... nice to her. Because if he asks her all that, it is always with his sweetest tone, the most honeyed. He never reproaches her, but if something goes wrong, he is so unhappy, the poor man, it bothers him in his work... She is at the service of a sage, she unloads him from the ancillary servitudes of life. It is a sacrifice to which she willingly agrees: the time of this being is so precious! Brigitte sees in this situation her service to life, quite simply. Him, he is unpacking all his sexual science. If she does not feel pleasure for one hour in a row, despite his exploits, it is because she still has to be blocked somewhere. Here she his feeling guilty! She is blocked... Where did she already heard that?

One day, Brigitte had gone out to the village, but surprised by a strong rain, she had to take refuge under the school shelter. Precisely, the dozen children are out for a break. Brigitte looks at them, because she likes to see children playing. Yet she feels uncomfortable. Why should these discordant cries be the only way to express themselves? ⚠ A seven-year-old is insisting on playing bandits, another screams «Pan! Pan! Tatata!» without stop, another is contorting in a grotesque way, a cute little girl squeaks «putaing!» All proud to do as her parents do. The teacher has eyes only for those who are agitated and make noise, she explains to Brigitte that those are «alive», while the others «do not participate», that they have problems, etc. Brigitte, stupefied, wonders where comes from this excitement, this fascination for killers. Then she realizes: the television! The eternal stories of spies, of bandits who kill each other at every street corner, as of something natural. Tatata! This glorification of cynical characters indefinitely scolding the idealists, the pure and the innocent, with their morgue and their judgments. Pan! Pan! The neurotic dances which play to be liberated, the atrocious musics which are now openly satanic, the fascist, desperate and violently anti-idealist magma, the punk garbage and other even worse things that have been invented since, and which are now imposed everywhere in the stores, on the radio... Even cartoons, which one could think innocent, are already a conditioning to laugh of scenes of violence or injury! Not to mention these abominable Japanese series and their inverted psychology, so primary...

Brigitte is sad more than sickened: She learned, it is a law in the world of the spirit, that whatever we mimic or imitate, behaviour or emotion, always ends up being part of ourselves. This is the reason why the actors may have certain character disorders, and also why the Church once forbade, as we already noted, the secular theatre and admitted only the Mysteries, edifying scenes drawn from the Gospels and Jesus' life, which can always be played without fear... It must have been a good fest, for those naive and enthusiastic believers.

⚠ What will become of them, these children unconsciously assimilating themselves to the bandits whose exploits they see boasting every day at home, in the meals, and who take precedence even over their parents? What civilization will emerge from this permanent glorification of evil? If today's society is not just a bunch of bandits and polluters, it must be concluded that a fundamentally positive force is in the heart of the human being, and resists against and against this deluge of deleterious images and sounds.

⚠ (Added while editing in 2018: This scene happened around 1984, and was written around 1988. Today this generation is 44 old, and we see the increase of extremist votes.)

⚠ Brigitte also thinks about the inversions of language, as does this mistress who says «awake» to mean «violent» or «agitated», or «inert» for «calm». This has a name: newspeak, described in George Orwell's famous novel, «1984» and his totally fascist world, where everything is forbidden. The operation of Newspeak is explained in an appendix at the end of the book, which can be studied with profit. The deformation of the language is scientifically designed, and the meaning of words inverted, so as to lose the original concept: «freedom» to say conditioning, «peace» to say war, etc. And someone who wishes for peace does not have any more a word to speak of it! This important book has a counterpart: the «Brave New World» by Aldous Uxley, where on the contrary we are «free» to do anything. Terrible lesson: general indulgence on the slopes of all vices leads exactly to the same result as ubiquitous repression and systematic regimentation. The two books have the same ending: The sincere beings having some human value are in both cases mercilessly crushed, whether by the though police or by a crowd sent on them by animators of pornographic series. Brr...

⚠ These two visions did not become literally real today, but some of their mechanisms are operating before our eyes in our daily lives. (Note from the author: this was written about in 1988, and describes society at this moment). Pornographic chats, «free radios» which impose their atrocious music on the frequencies intended for expression radios, the ideology as what everything is good and everything must be done, all this stinks the «Brave New World», and produces the same debasement. Newspeak is also used. For example the word «conviviality», very useful, created by the philosopher Ivan Illich to qualify a system (social, economic, technical...) which can easily be appropriated, has been completely diverted to designate... pornographic messaging, bistros! This lie was even passed in the dictionaries! The word «communication» is used for «advertising», while «utopia», which refers to a project of society, is regularly used to say «impossible»: The strings are obvious!

⚠ In newspeak (from the novel «1984») a person or a thing, which in official ideology is supposed not to exist, is a «non-being». There are plenty walking around us, non-beings. At the time of this story, no way to hear in the television about communities, vegetarians, non-smokers, karma, astral voyage, and supreme taboo, of gentleness, of poetry, of kindness. On the other hand, a false official culture, subsidized, praised by the media, produces a false art and a false aesthetics deprived of life; false philosophers, hollow thinkers bombard the masses with denatured concepts, empty words; even science pays the price for this open war to intelligence: sir the scientists, invent your bombs and shut up. As for the really important concepts of the world of the mind, people simply do not have any language to apprehend them. This explains why these concepts seem so complicated, when in reality they are all very simple.

⚠ Cynical characters like Brigitte's small black teacher routinely practice newspeak, with words like «realist», not to mean what exists, either ugly or beautiful, but only to mean what is dirty, cruel, or mean.

⚠ Many common folks are misled by newspeak, like this schoolteacher who speaks of «awake» children to designate agitated rascals indistinctly destroying nature, poetry, or objects. Such children are the very opposite of being awake. Real enlightened beings are distinguished mainly by their respect for others, and by their respect for the beautiful moments of life. Calm children are not necessarily awake, but again in newspeak «calm» means submissive, loser, lazy... This schoolmistress, a nice little woman for the rest, is still surprised that it is not the «awake» children who get the best grades. As what all the elements for the understanding of the Truth are always at hand, in spite of all the traps. It would be enough to dare to think...

Let us be reassured: if evil needs so many of such traps, it is a sign that it is at bay... If it needs subtlety, it is because people are starting to think. Evil is like the shell of a kernel, which can not be attacked from the outside. But one day the seed of Good which resides in the heart of each being starts to germinate... and the shell explodes by itself, unable to resist the pressure of the life which is awakening inside!


Of course, Brigitte's dreams changed with her new life with Frédérique. Upon arrival, the flower house landed on the ground, at grass level. But quickly the flowers were gone, or became only artificial and overrated ornaments. And... the floor of the house is still so shaky, but this time ⚠ it threatens to give way to a dark cellar, disgusting and scary. Shady and bad smelling galleries lead to unknown depths where horrors must be prowling, which happily she never sees. Sometimes it is strong enough to poison the whole day with a feeling of hidden dirt. She has many others, which all have in common a feeling of inconsistency, illusion, useless agitation.

With all that, friends readers who read the first book «The Gardens of Aeoliah», you may understand that this Frédérique is none other than the reincarnation of the lamentable little Baron Regnald of Capderoc, who already terrorized Brigitte a long time ago, in a previous life where she was the gentle Gunniverre, and that in fact he was holding her in his power for much longer... This trouble link which united them had led them to find themselves once again in the physical world. But this time they had to server it, whatever the cost.

Of this past lives, he never talks, of course. Does he remember? Certainly no more than any of us. As for his marvellous stories, needless to say, they all unfolded solely in his imagination. Imagination renamed «intuition» for the cause... Newspeak, «spiritualist» version!

Ah! He had well prepared himself! Who would recognize the rude gobbling soldier in this attractive man, with warm voice and regular lines? The only striking feature he kept from the Baron was his powerful radiance, his warmth in look and voice, which at once posed him as the undisputed master, around whom everything will revolve. Even Yolande was deluded in the beginning, but she quickly felt a disturbance in his presence, like a treacherous underlying swamp.

⚠ Well served by his infallible intelligence of evil, he had fully understood his new epoch, and realized that the heavy iron rapiers were very old-fashioned. The weapons used today are much more dangerous: they are sophistry, rhetoric, false arguments, logomachy, diversions of sense, recovery and distortion of the thought, vicious reasoning, exchanges of paradigms, accusations of wrong intents, personal attacks, and of course the good old slander, already well seasoned in the time of the Baron. Wearing and using them is perfectly legal, strongly encouraged, and total impunity guaranteed. In former times to do evil was to hurt and destroy the bodies; today it is much more cruel: to attack the spirit, to discourage, to break friendships, to degrade, to de-idealize, to induce into suicide, to destroy personalities, to break families, to torture hearts, to betray thought, to manipulate, to enslave... provided that all this is done without any concrete material gesture, only with language, with psychology, in feeling, in ideas, in soul, where the formalistic courts of our superficial materialistic civilization are powerless, and so easy to fool, where nobody can ever legislate anyway. And Frédérique was as good at this terrible game as formerly Regnald had been formidable with his sword...

In addition, the former baron had quickly realized that the real challenge of the twentieth century, behind all the technological noise, is the Spirit. He had therefore become a spiritualist, but a very special spiritualist. For he had, of course, kept the Baron's infect exploitative, scornful and readily sadistic background, his ability to manipulate, to deceive. His appearances of relaxation, freedom, control, radiance, wisdom, still hide the same devious and evil mind. The only point where he had improved was... sex, where, to seduce his women, he had acquired a complete technique! But for Love proper, he had not even bothered to inquire, since almost everyone confuses it with sex.

Brigitte had fallen in love with one of the shabbiest characters that can be met at this end of twentieth century: a vulgar soul-wrecker, a suburban Antichrist.

Frédérique would have loved to found a sect, of which he would have been the tyrant; but already it is a little late for that: the Earthlings are not idiots and they start to be cautious about this, educated by experience.



Stranded on Earth

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