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The Gardens of Aeoliah

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Chapter 17


Some years after the memorable eruption which initiated life on Lioureline's island, wild grass began to throw their supple stems over the hard rocks, perpetual victory of life on inert matter. The gentle and warm breeze of the ocean balanced with its ample and free breath the small bushes and low flowers near the Eoli's cave, from which emanated continuously a melodious song, just audible in the highest pitch, or little bells of crystal clear laughers. The pungent smell of virgin rocks was gradually regressing, to be replaced by the deep air of the ocean, or by the delicate fragrances of minute flowers hidden in cracks. The great silence of stones and immobile water was now ornamented with the grave and profound song of sea birds, who were nesting in rocky hollows or in lava pinnacles.

The Eolis were still only about ten to live permanently here, sheltering under green or khaki tents, kind of lovely little yurts made of leaves and ornamented with blue dried flowers. They already had all what they needed for some people to live on the island. The future inhabitants were taking turns to stay on the island, waiting with impatience their turn of this naive perfumed scouting.

Some cultures had started, of murlines and other berries, and in the deeps of the cave awaited an impressive stock of fruit jelly and dried mushrooms for the visitors, more coconut bowls, tools, raincoats of flower petals, and other gear. They spent pleasant days to fly here and there on the island, including in the northern part, on the sleepy and peaceful volcano. Their purpose was still to select, among all the news plants that the birds were bringing at random, which one were matching with Lioureline's plan. They wandered slowly, while dreaming, or while raising enthusiasm about the future landscapes, the future places, later, when vegetal life would unfold all its splendour and offer all its treasures. Here this hollow would fit ideally for a gathering place; there a great Aroban could grow and cover with its large foliage a small stair shaped garden with rocks. Among the highest rock pinnacles, some were featuring a kind of hat making a very good shelter for night watchers. Sometimes, of course, they had to remove by hand an unwanted seed, but the bulk of the work was accomplished by the power of their dream, that they pursued on the spot of from neighbouring islands.


The Eolis of our village were returning at times, by two. But this time as for the first, they moved together, and they took Nellio. Poor Nellio had not much spirit to travel, but he enjoyed some change from time to time, and to travel freely on his planet, like any other Eoli. He was encouraged to do so, and it became an excuse to get out together!

They arrived on the island of Lioureline at night, and discovered with wonder that she had a halo of a deep mesmerizing indigo light-algae. The light-algae are a plankton formed of many different species, which thrive or deplete according to the slow intermingling of the ocean. If a colour appears, all the species which can start the same, while others abstain to shine, keeping their energy to manifest later in the night. So the colours never mix, but they change or spread slowly, or sometimes with an astonishing speed. Sometimes they reproduce the aura of a place, or then they suddenly shift, or complex structures of mysterious origin appear, obeying a fairytale ballet orchestrated by some invisible Gardener of the blue depths. Anyway, for Lioureline, to see her island surrounded by her favourite colour was a nice compliment from the ocean.

Our friends stepped in the middle of a vigil, at time when the shadow of the planet finishes nibbling the ring, where flowers give off a last sight of milky light. In a round tent with a delicious hay smell, mauve Eolis they did not knew were singing, all pressed against each other in an orange light. The latter welcomed them happily, but as we could really not put any one more in the yurt, the party went into the cave, which rocky ground was covered with a soft carpet of dry grass.

It was later this night that Nellio suddenly felt a longing taking him again. Casting a glance at the infinitely devoted Milarêva, who always accompanied him, he saw her calm and reassuring as usual, but attentive. He went to gather under one of the tents in the back, reserved for the visitors. In doing so, he did not attracted much attention, because others had already gone to sleep and the evening was going to its end, in a sweet song of night, whispered mouth shut. The orange of the last flower was receding slowly to the indigo shade which bathed the whole cave, creating strange and moving iridescent fringes.

Nellio laid on a couch, and this time he clearly heard the call, no more anxious and pathetic, but a sweet and apologetic little voice:

«Nellio! Nellio loved!

- Aurora!»

What to say when one has not met for five centuries? Their vibrations, their auras deliciously intermingled, as before they were born together on Aeoliah. Strange images quickly flickered into Nellio'spirit, that he did not tried to analyse on the spot, entirely to his fleeting happiness. Then the wonderful emanation faded gradually, retreating like the light of the flowers...


- Aurora!»

Returning to the corporeal world, Nellio saw Milarêva leaning over him, soft and reassuring presence. Then he fell asleep.

Nellio stayed in his bed in the cave, all the morning long, awake but thoughtful, with Milarêva sitting at his side. She had quietly warned everybody, to respect his need for silence. In the afternoon, the irrepressible impulse of the Eolis toward activity took over, and Nellio joined the cultivations, all surrounded with the charming attentions of the purple Eolines with sweet fragrance. There were plenty enough of rituals. Lioureline added soothing ones, especially for the souls first aid, to accommodate the anxious ones they intended to welcome, as Adénankar was already doing. They were very timely. What a delicacy, what a tact! A delight.

The evening, Nellio spoke with Milarêva, about the very precise geometric images which passed through his head. What was their meaning? What was their importance? Even Milarêva did not understood them. Later, after returning, Nellio went to Irizdar to paint them. But neither Adénankar nor any other Irizdar people had ever seen anything like this. They well tried to review the past of Aeoliah, and consult the sages of the abstract world where Aurora and Nellio had lived: Nothing. They carefully archived these images, in case they could be useful some day to help Aurora. They still are in some corner of Irizdar today, and they are likely to stay there for long, because I really can not guess of which use for the Gardeners of Infinity could be the coat of arms and the banner of the small proud Baron of Capderoc. But at last we had to explain how they arrived at Irizdar, at billions of billions of light years from Earth, and still infinitely farther from the Middle Age. Well worth its weight in stalagmite, right?



Nellio was much faster to recover from this new contact. It must be said that his development was accomplished in accelerated: the Eolis, although they have an adult body in a few months, can keep a childlike mind for a thousand years or more. Despite this relative serenity, Nellio longed to quickly return to the village. He had to be patient, because on Aeoliah travel depends on birds, themselves guided by the impulse of the Spirit. The mere desire does not make them come! Eventually he returned alone with Milarêva, on the back of a couple of beautiful birds that the Eolis call fire birds. There is no equivalent on Earth: Imagine beautiful wading birds, like cranes, but with fuzzy golden and fiery plumage, shining like the wings of butterflies or hummingbirds, all complemented with small egrets, more two huge tail feathers with iridescent glowing eyes... A wonder!

Back in the village, he rushed on his transmuter. Then, as soon as reloaded, he went to Adénankar in his tree house.

Besides the stuff of the Baron, he had received many more serious information, which allowed the Gardeners of the Souls to understand what happened with Aurora. We remember that she had tried, just to see, to assimilate the spirit of an especially sick Earthling, and thus she put her soul under his influence. The shock was such that her spiritual body was misaligned and charged with a totally paralysing fear. Aurora had to live a physical life on the distant icy Earth, where she began to emerge (partially) from this terrible influence. Leaving this earthly body, she had gathered all her energy to see her Nellio, but the vibration of Aeoliah was too high for her to keep it for long: like the first time, she dropped, and joined one of the many worlds of the mind, specially created for the partially purified souls or sufficient goodwill. This new more favourable condition decided the Gardeners of the Souls to act. It even was needed, now that Aurora was going up the slope again.

The village received the news of the Aurora contact without great demonstrations of joy, but now it was as if the sun shone a little more, as if the brook was more lively, the light-flowers more poetic, the fruits more sweet, the hips more flexible, the laughter more communicative. they spoke quietly, but often and at length, as Nellio's friends were full of compassion for him. The latter was always surrounded, especially by the Eolines, and of course by his friends, including the discrete and very nice Liouna. Anyway the good news was not so much that Aurora could appear to Nellio, but that she could start the ascent. It was this which could need millennia. The rest would be only a matter of centuries, which is shorter, still.




* * *


The Eolis rescuers of the Souls were now quite familiar with the conditions of the Earth: Its people are sometimes experiencing terrible suffering, because of all the evil they do. But just not to be interested in the awakening of their spirit was enough to owe them their long lives of dullness, boredom and confusion.

The Eoli Soul Gardeners, new in this business, would like to get out of all these stories, actually quite sordid, and offer the astray rebellious souls an evolution path without suffering. Despite their good intentions, they could not find one: only the souls can liberate themselves. From their own initiative. From their own decision. We suspect that if such a method actually existed, it would been used for long by all the good beings of the universe, and Earth would be a paradise like Aeoliah... We would heard of it!

So, the only action mean within reach of the Eolis was to help the good willed souls who really wanted to advance, or at least who enjoyed the beginning of some opening. To manage their work on the ground, they had two possibilities: to help all the souls within reach to make a step, each time the opportunity arose, or to focus their effort on a small number they would follow permanently. Their privileged situation on a planet closely resembling Earth indicated the second method, and anyway it was Adenankar's project. But they continued the first method for a very practical reason: many Eolis of the surrounding villages wanted to help for the soul first aid, but occasionally, following their spirit, without making of this a continuous activity. Only the Souls Gardeners could afford the frequent astral sorties required for a permanent assistance.


The fact that several groups undertook sorties toward Earth, independently of each others, had a curious consequence: the Earth time and the Aeolian time were now matching much more closely. Liouna explained that Earth and Aeoliah exist in the same space-time, but at such a distance that no physical communication is possible between the two. It is as if the two planets existed at two different epochs, see in two different universes, with incommensurable times. This has no consequences of the point of view of an astral voyager. However, when the two words began to be linked with frequent astral voyages inducing multiple reciprocal actions, a coherence was needed. Usually, for an astral traveller, the present moment is the same wherever he goes in the universe, according to our simple conception of time: the voyager simply jumps instantaneously from a place to another. But some blur on the definition of the present moment remains possible, as long as the travels are not too numerous. For the soul first aid, now organised in several teams in several villages, operating each independently, the number of reciprocal actions and reactions multiplied, reducing the temporal blur from some days to some hours, and it was constantly shrinking.

This was quite practical in fact, with this new organisation. The first aid workers, more than one hundred, were now so well trained that each could take any role; and nearby every night, in our village or in another of the surrounding, there was a strong enough group to make a sortie, with others assisting them without leaving themselves. The temporal blur still allowed to run round the Earth clock, even if they went out only during the Aeolian night. So, little time before Liourelin's island, Adenankar and his team had started the permanent following of one, then three souls, who were especially impaired in their understanding of life. There was in fact nothing special to do, just to radiate happiness. But, as we said, it is difficult to to help souls who are revolted against life: they used this beneficial influx to reinforce their egocentric fortress. The Eolis had to stop immediately, as in this way the souls were sinking still lower. Only one in the three could have some progress, ⚠ and only at the cost of suffering the concentration camps to understand that others can suffer too. The least we can say is that it would be much more pleasant to heed the poetical Adenankar...


The Irizdar team was still monitoring the soul first aid for its more important aspects; but the workers were now able to manage the routine by themselves, to make go, as long as they were not intervening directly in the events. Even the accident hazard was now reduced to a very low value. So Adenankar and his companions took a time for reflection. Their decision was pending when happened the second contact between Nellio and Aurora, on Liourelin's island. So they took it swiftly.

They started acting, first for Aurora. Every night meditations would be done for her. Some were already done from time to time, in a restrained circle of friends and parents: Anthelm, Elnadjine, Elora and her companion Artapon, Algenio and Liouna. Now it would be hundreds of Eolis of several villages, every night in the same moment.


Liouna had recovered some memories of her past, but, as it was not a corporeal life, she would be able to tell everything in five minutes! Vibrations and a kind of indigo bliss, alternating with periods on intense energy exchange…

She often went to Adenankar's tree and to Irizdar for studying, and she had still much to learn. But she progressed much faster than if she had first to accustom her mind to the subtleties of the spiritual worlds. So there was no time lost. Anyway she was perfectly able to show the job to the new Aurora support group. This prayer group was immediately four hundred regular members strong, with ten times more casual members, in more than twelve villages on the plateau.

At this occasion they understood why they could not contact Aurora: At the sight of the least emanation of her mother planet, she could lock herself into a state of frustration, regret or useless expectation which would overwhelm any desire of progress. It is the same for all of us, friend readers. Despite the moments of depression or doubt, let us never lost hope, never revolt uselessly. We must first live our life and realize the purpose we choose.

The action for Aurora galvanized the eolis much more than the contacts. The village even found a liveliness and merriness it never really recovered since the accident. With Aurora, there was no risk! It was even not needed to get out in the astral world. The soul first aid took a pleasant look, simple, familiar, affordable to all.


For the other Earth souls, Adenankar and his team, rendered cautious from experience, choose to help too easy ones. Because, to the difference of the previous, they were humble, and thus in a rapid progress. As any life progress can be summarized into the ability to accept the Truth of the Universe and of the Spirit, and to recognize our personal defects. Which the least condition to bring a remedy to them! Here is the unmatched force of the Simple over the arrogant clad in justifications and sophistry!

To tell the episodes of this experience would be another story with multiple surprises and developments, so we shall see only a summary. These two souls were later called Vertao and Illinia by the Eolis, more a third who joined them under the name of Nashtao. They Lived in the Middle East, somewhere between Baghdad and Teheran. Given the dogmatism and rudeness of this place and epoch, their life ended very bad... for their physical bodies, as the scimitar of the executioner was definitively powerless to cut down the flowers which were starting to bloom into their souls. Vertao and Illinia could join an happiness world depending on the Irizdar school of Soul Gardeners. At last they could take birth on Aeoliah, in the little village we know well, with Antonnafachto, Mielora, Selina, Selinao and all their friends. It was really an immense happiness for them, the realization of their wildest dreams, a delicate and childhood-like happiness they expressed discretely with a life of kindness and gentle activity into the delicious gardens of Aeoliah. They still are here today. They are still in the Eoli childhood state, which can last a thousand year, or much more for simple souls. But this did not prevented Illinia to be now the mother of Nashtao.

For Nashtao, it was more difficult. Nashtao was rebellious. This is certainly a good thing into the action on Earth, when the matter is to get rid of injustices. But he allowed revolt to poison his soul, gnawing himself with the idea of outer evil, wasting all the minutes of his life with bitter thoughts, in place of cultivating into himself the sweet flowers of Serenity. Anyway, this never helps bettering the problems of this world. He was unable to follow Vertao and Illinia on Aeoliah. He had to bear several lives on Earth again. This eventful and somewhat rocambolesque story would lead us to our today epoch, where Nashtao reincarnated again into the same region, went to study in France, and back in his country where he was again assassinated during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980 years. Finally understanding that this game was devoid of any sense, he won his place on Aeoliah, to join his former friends into a little Eoli body already in the process of formation.

So Nashtao is today on Aeoliah, but he did not stayed in the village of our friends. With his discreet and white companion Veranlounia, they went exploring the mysteries of Aeoliah, the volcano islands, the poles with immense animals, the Wisdom centres, the bird's land, and many more strange things that I cannot tell.

This will make many other books: Eolis and Eolines, The Travels of Nashtao and Veranlounia.


And Aurora? The Eolis remained very long without any news of her. Although injured, she was still an elevated soul, and thus she could stay in the bliss worlds associated with Earth. But to solve her main problem, Aurora had to wait for a long time the conditions for the decisive reincarnation. She had to find again the soul who took her under its evil influence. But this soul, walled in the hell of its bad feelings, was refusing any new incarnation. Fortunately, time in the worlds of the spirit can contract or expand at will, and this allowed her to limit the wait to the strictly indispensable work.


So we shall find again Aurora, with the soul who brought her so low, in due time...



The Gardens of Aeoliah

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