The marvellous world of the Eolis

August 2024: this site has been upgraded to the most recent standards of the net. The ancient URLs will be rediredted.


On a paradise planet, lives, loves and sings the gentle eoli people. To experience a perfect and eternal happiness does not prevent them to think that somewhere else, other beings are suffering. So they undertake something...

Richard Trigaux


En Français        😀?!NO COOKIES!?😇


This site features two novels, three 3D worlds, and a 92 pages free online webcomic,:

Novels     Comics     Virtual worlds     Links and support

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Two young eolis take birth on Aeoliah, and little by little discover the enchantment of living on this planet. But strange things take place in their village. Little by little, the new eolis understand that beings on other planets do not enjoy the same happiness than they do.

Thus, with the help of the elder sages, they undertake the soul first aid: to go, by though, to help the unhappy to understand the source of their sufferings. But, as soon as the first session, a dramatic accident throwns Aurora on the far Earth, where she has to recover alone...

We also and especially speak of love, activity, poetry, and of nature, of nature, of nature, on Aeoliah the marvellously pure and protected.

Read the novel, whole text

© Dépôt Légal - Copyright Richard Trigaux 1986-1998-2018.


The second novel: Stranded on Earth

On Earth, a young woman wonders what is the meaning of life, and what she will do with her life. To consecrate herself to happiness and what produces it: Poetry, love, mutual aid? The more she find this simple and obvious, the more «one does not understand her»...

On Aeoliah, following the previous novel «The Gardens of Aeoliah», the Eolis still try to help their friend disappeared on Earth. But a much more important stake appears, which calls for the intervention of the mysterious Cosmic Guards...

This time we speak of means to understand life, to the use of basic Earthlings: Economy, spiritual basis, epistemology, poetry, ecology...

Read the novel, whole text

© Dépôt Légal - Copyright Richard Trigaux 1986-1998-2018.






If novel is a good mean to convey explanations in a message, drawing and colors are better to convey the vibration, the warmth, the poetry. For this reason I also did comics.

First comic: Eolis And Eolines

At first rather designed for children, this story gained in depth, and it is now showing the life of the Eolis in the village, the gentleness and the poetry of their world. It is now complete.

Read the comic

© Dépôt Légal - Copyright Richard Trigaux 1986-2006.


second comic: The Journeys of Nashtao and Veranlounia

This comic was inked in 1990. Since it awaits in a drawer, refused by all the editors in France.

Nashtao was an Earthling, who gained, from his idealism, the right to take rebirth on Aeoliah, with an angeline as companion. He dreams to visit Aeoliah... A wonderful journey awaits for them, starting with tropical islands...







If you loved the Eolis, please make it know to others! Comment, rate, vote, discuss, at:


Other interesting comics.

The Gentle Likpas

Inverloch a story of Elves!




Virtual worlds (3D)

I have several places in virtual worlds, where I organise weekly meetings, where we can encounter, It is rather on the theme of the Elves, but we can arrange things 🙂


Let us meet for real! Name: Richard Trigaux. Artist name: Yichard Muni
Every friday, 12pm SLT (California time, PT or PDT), Elf Dream Meetings and storytelling

in our virtual region Lysaer (How to enter)

In our virtual region Daur Anarie in Alternate Metaverse! (How to enter)

Elf Dream has its site, it is active in the virtual worlds Sovaria, Alternate Metaverse, and present in Blue Sky Web, Discord, Facebook. Mewe, Second Life,


My name in virtual worlds is Yichard Muni, or Yichard.


Ancient virtual worlds in VRML

These virtual worlds were designed to offer an experience of immersion in a world of beauty and poetry. Made in 2002 in VRML, they are now hardly visible, because of the wantonly abandonment of VRML and less good versions of the Cortona viewer (!). This is how artists pay the cost for changing standards.

You must first Install a 3D browser (Vous pouvez aussi See my advices to visualise virtual worlds (3D)


Now click on one of the images:

Oies porteuses sur Aeoliah

On the back of a goose, like the Eolis when they travel, you will fly over the vast Telerion ocean and its paradise atolls.


The faragliones

The faraglione» is a group of lovely small islands where live Orlof and Izeline, and where take place the first adventure of «The travels of Nashtao and Veranlounia».


The eoli village

This village is the one where the two novels take place. You fly over the village and gaze at the surrounding landscape. At the time I did this scene, it was not possible to add all the details of such a landscape, so you will just fly over. You get first just above the meal place. Under you, yellow and pinkish pumpkin houses. At South (in front) the small glen with the brook. At West (right hand) the Evening Mountain (dark green). At East (left hand) the Dil Dezeïr (The double pink mountain visible here) and beyond the great plain. At North (behind) Irizdar (reddish mountains with cave entrances).

The Eolis were in Second Life...

I had build a small Aeolian landscape in Second Life... However, my financial situation, more the general degeneracy of Second Life (and of some of its occupiers) led me to abandon this place...







You can use the following banners to create a link toward my site, and especially towards the novels on the eolis. If you want to make a comment on my site or on the eolis, you however have to make a link toward the novels. So use these banners...

small eoline

medium eoline

large eoline

© 1999 Richard Trigaux


Scenario, graphics, sounds, colours, realization: Richard Trigaux.

As every independant author I need your support to be able to continue to work on this site and allow for a freedom of expression to exist on the net: